In ICU medical student and housewife, victims of road accidents in Maracaibo

The recklessness at the wheel does not stop. A 20-year-old medical student at LUZ; and a 66-year-old housewife, are seriously injured in the ICU of the University Hospital of Maracaibo following being victims of two traffic accidents, which occurred in different events, last Thursday, September 8.

The first victim responds to the name of Guadalupe Malavé, 20 years old and first-year medical student, who suffered a spectacular crash while riding on the grill of a motorcycle driven by her friend.

According to those close to “Gema”, as they know the girl, both were traveling through the Los Olivos road distributor when they were hit by the driver of a small vehicle. The culprit is apparently in custody.

“Gema” has already undergone surgerybut he needs resources to pay for the expenses related to his recovery: ambulance with ICU equipment, several control tomography scans and the purchase of the drugs Midazolam (Amp 15 mg) —requires 30 daily—, Fentanyl (Amp 0.5 mg), and Ceftriaxione (Amp 500 mg).

twelve hours later

The same Thursday 8, at 7:15 pm, another sinister road shook a marabina family. Ingrid Izarra, a 66-year-old housewife, was run over by a motorized vehicle (arrested), when she was crossing Pomona Avenue, at the height of Pastelitos La Estrella.

The woman left her house, near the María Camargo elementary school in Sabaneta, bound for her ex-daughter-in-law’s apartment in Las Pirámides. According to witnesses, when he tried to cross the street She was run over by the motorcycle driver, who was traveling with his wife and allegedly speeding.

Izarra was taken to the General Hospital of the South and then transferred to the ICU of the University Hospital. There she is intubated, with a blood clot in the meninges and internal bleeding. Her only two children are in Chile.

The housewife is being requested 10 daily ampoules of Midazolam (15 mg), four ampoules of Fentanyl (0.5 mg), one of Diazepam (10 mg) and Dexamethasone (4 mg). And another list of 13 medicines and supplies, among which Dipyrone, sodium chloride, saline solution and Omeprazole stand out.

It recovers

On the other hand, Alberto Gil, 44 years old (photo), the greengrocer worker who was run over on C-2, this Sunday night, is being held on the third floor, bed 18, of the University Hospital of Maracaibo. He has a fracture in his right leg and in his right arm. His relatives also ask for help.

Yeni Gil, Alberto’s sister, stated that “He had a pin put in his ankle, and he needs a fixator to keep it in, which costs between $150 and $200. They still have to do another operation and other tests, and we have no money.”

The woman pointed out that they require gauze, adhesives, absolute alcohol, Solugex liquid soap and plaster. The PNB is looking for the person responsiblethe driver of a blue Mazda (VAJ-73U license plates), the vehicle’s front grille was left at the crash site.

If you wish to contribute any financial aid, you can contact the following numbers 0424 637 36 81 (Guadalupe Case), 0426 369 18 87 (Alberto Case) y 0424 684 04 68 (Ingrid case).

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