Uraimit: Mufti Derian’s call is an essential step towards building a strong and just state | Policy

The head of the Islamic Center for Studies and Media, Sheikh Khaldoun Oraimit, considered that “the invitation addressed by the Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian to the Sunni deputies in Lebanon, to meet in Dar Al-Fatwa on September 24, is an essential step towards building a strong and just state, and at the same time it is a step towards national unity. To cooperate with all political forces to elect a president for all of Lebanon that restores national cohesion and, in cooperation with the Lebanese government, gets Lebanon out of the tragic quagmire in which we have been living for six years, and creates the conditions for restoring the relationship with the Arab brothers, especially with the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

He stressed that the meeting “has no sectarian or sectarian character at all, but is a comprehensive national meeting, because historically Sunni Muslims, since the birth of Greater Lebanon, have always had a role that incubated the state and its institutions, and supported the establishment of state institutions,” stressing that Dar Al-Fatwa has historically been since the Mufti. Mustafa escaped to the Mufti Sheikh Tawfiq Khaled to the martyred Mufti Hassan Khaled, to the Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian. It has no project outside the framework of the Lebanese state and its institutions.”

He stressed that the meeting of the Sunni deputies in Dar Al-Fatwa “comes within the framework of Mufti Derian and Dar Al-Fatwa’s keenness on national unity, coexistence and building a state of citizenship, so that the government and ministers are at the service of all Lebanese, and that the President of the Republic is a representative of Lebanon, not representing a sect or We do not want a president who raises the slogan of the rights of this or that sect, but rather a president who raises the slogan of the rights of all Lebanese, with political, food, health and medical security, and the establishment of a state of institutions.”

Oreimit said that the next meeting “does not fill anyone’s vacuum, because the vacuum of Prime Minister Saad Hariri can only be filled by him personally, and the meeting is as we have been told by Dar Al-Fatwa, when major crises move to be supportive of the state and national unity.”

Regarding the reality of the Sunni community in Lebanon and its current situation, Uraimet said: “We are not a sect, but rather part of an Arab and Islamic nation, and historically we were, we still are, and we will remain, the main pillar of building Lebanon. There is no doubt that the Sunni Muslims now are not well. Their role may be reversed in Lebanon or in another country, but they are not broken. Sunni Muslims may turn back, but they will not break, because they are the origin of the country and they are the nation.”

He added: “We are now in a state of retreat, especially following the absence of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and the suspension of the Future Movement’s political activity, but we are certain that we are the sons of a birth nation. This nation that gave birth to Riyad al-Solh, Abdullah al-Yafi, Taqi al-Din al-Solh, Saeb Salam, Rafik Hariri, his son Saad, the martyr Mufti Hassan Khaled and other senior citizens of the nation, no force can break it,” considering that “Mofti Derian’s step today is a “national step to restore balance to the homeland.” Because Lebanon cannot be built or revitalized without its main pillar, namely the Muslims from the Sunnis and the Community.”

Oreimit regretted the presence of “militias and groups, belonging to various sects and sects, on the Lebanese scene, impeding the building of the state, but the Sunnis will continue to bet on the advancement of the state with its president, government, army and security forces,” calling on the Lebanese public opinion to “aware and know, that Prime Minister Hariri and his movement have left a void.” Great, but it is a temporary vacuum, and the Sunni Muslims will return once more to play their national role in building the state of citizenship, not building the state of sects and sects, and this meeting is an indication that the Sunnis in Lebanon were and still are the main pillar in building a strong and just state in solidarity with all the Arab brothers, and the eager It should not be part of an axis hostile to Arab and Muslim issues.”

In response to a question regarding whether the meeting will include a wish, or a roadmap for Sunni MPs for the upcoming presidential elections, Oreimit said: “Sunni Islamic public opinion in Lebanon as a whole, except for some weak-minded people, opposes the Iranian project in the region. And the representatives who represent the Sunnis are an expression or embodiment of the position of the Sunni Islamic public opinion in Lebanon, and we are sure that all the Sunni representatives in Lebanon will be united, to cooperate with Dar al-Fatwa, to support my eligibility to form a government and elect a president of the republic, on the basis of national reconciliation, the constitution and the Taif Document. that restored balance between the Lebanese,” he stressed, stressing that “at the entrance to Dar al-Fatwa, all other loyalties stop, and loyalty to the homeland, the unity of the Lebanese, and the Arab project in the face of all challenges in the region remains.”



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