Sleep disorder: here is the soldiers’ technique to fall asleep in 2 minutes flat!

If you experience great difficulty or even sleeping troubles The evening. And you find yourself in your bed at count the hours until you wake up. A solution exists! The French sleep an average of 6 hours 45 minutes per nightaccording to the France public health barometer. « For the first time since sleep has been epidemiologically observed in France, the average nocturnal sleep time is less than 7 hours “, warn the specialists. The fault lies in particular with the development of night work and screens. Difficult to fall asleep following spending an evening on your computer or smartphone? So to sink more rapidly in the arms of Morpheus, here is a technique that will allow you to fall asleep in two minutes flat. She was adopted by the US military and will probably save your sleep. We tell you everything!

The infallible technique once morest sleep disorder

In practice, here’s how to do it. First of all, lie down comfortably and relax all the muscles in your face. And this, including the tongue, jaw and eye area. This may seem weird to you at first. However, you have to be careful regarding these areas and imagine that they become “soft”, even that they “melt”. Second, relax your shoulder muscles by lowering them as much as possible. relax your arms by lifting them up and then letting them back down on the mattress several times. You can even imagine them ‘sinking’ completely into the mattress. Inhale very hard through your nose, then exhale for a long time through your mouth. relaxing your leg muscles. Whether thighs, calves, and feet, everything must be relaxed. Here once more, to combat sleep disorders, this is a question d’imagination !

The last step is to empty your mind for at least 10 seconds. To do this, just close your eyes and imagine yourself on a beach. Lying on a towel, to the sound of the wind and the birds. If you can’t, repeat ” think of nothing, think of nothing, think of nothing in your head. And this, for regarding ten seconds. This technique, inspired by sophrology, works for 96% of people who test it, following only 6 weeks of daily practice. In practice, you can then forget regarding your sleep disorders, and enjoy a good night.

A second option

If this technique fails to fight once morest your sleep disordershere you will find other effective tips to help you fall asleep. In an article on this subject, a doctor from the Rennes sleep center mentioned solutions. To find the way to sleep more easily, Dr. Prigent recalled that it is better ” sleep in a cool, dark and quiet room, without television, go to bed and get up at fixed times “. Above all, he insists, it is necessary at all costs ban screens when going to bed: They produce light, which is an external synchronizer, a cerebral rhythm donor, which will send an awakening message through the retina ».

What if with all these tricksyou still can’t solve your sleep problems: ” Above all, do not eat: food is also a synchronizer. You can possibly drink a glass of water. If you have obsessive thoughts, writing them down is a good way to get rid of them. After that, you have to go back to bed and relax as much as possible. ».



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