BPMed: a caring bank for healthcare professionals

It is therefore quite natural that it accompanies local companies and liberal professions and that it also undertakes today to be a caring partner for health professionals. A fair return for this sector of activity which needs more than ever to respond to many functional, structural and environmental challenges: health crisis, improvement of access to care, aging of the population, extension of the duration of life, regulatory impacts during installation, pricing, grouping of health professionals, etc.

Trained experts and advisors

To achieve this, Banque Populaire Méditerranée is implementing numerous actions, as explained by Stéphanie Roger-Stevens, director of Relais de Croissance within the bank: “Our actions are multiple, to support each key moment in the life of a healthcare professional. In particular, freelance installation with a dedicated offer and services, whether professional or private (a zero-rate loan in the first three years of installation, an Instal&Liberal support platform to find all the steps to to install) but also the acquisition of professional premises, the main residence or the vehicle without forgetting the management of the heritage, the preparation of the retirement or the specific financing for the innovative companies of health.”

A sharp expertise that requires a lot of agility: “You have to be reactive, fluid, efficient because health actors are professionals for whom time has a particular value.“To respond to this, the BPMed deploys its experts and its liberal professions advisers, within its agencies and business centers, which deal with the needs of all health entrepreneurs, both privately and professionally. .

The boom in multi-professional health centers

What to approach with the necessary means the current strong tendency of exercise in group in various forms: the health centers, the multi-professional health centers, the mono-professional practice. These groupings require legal, accounting and financial advice because, in the near future, liberal practice will mainly be carried out in the form of a group, with 72% of future doctors wishing to be supported. Faced with this, the BPMed wishes “become a key player in the world of health and take care of those who take care of others, says Stéphanie Roger-Stevens. We are a partner of the “health” ecosystem, through our presence, our expertise, our network, to support and advise all health entrepreneurs.

In a region where the network of professionals is so important, the BPMed provides an effective response and solutions. Especially since, unlike other places in France, caregivers continue to settle in large numbers on the shores of the Mediterranean. The BPMed therefore not only brings its expertise and skills, but also has a reassuring presence with healthcare players.



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