[정치]North Korea orders ‘patriotism’ and ‘loyalty’ every day… A sense of crisis for the MZ generation?

North Korea encourages young people to ‘loyalize Kim Jong-un’
North Korean youth are the Jangmadang generation… Go to the market and experience economic activity
North Korean market generation responds flexibly to new culture
North Korea warns of ‘ideological relaxation’ among young people… daily patriotism

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North Korea is demanding patriotism and loyalty every day, emphasizing the ideological arming of its youth.

This is because young people who have grown up into the North Korean version of the MZ generation can become a detonator that shakes the Kim Jong-un regime, and attention is focused on what kind of change it will lead to in the future.

Reporter Jo Soo-hyun reports.


On the occasion of Youth Day on the 28th of last month, North Korea emphasized the ideological arming of young people, saying that they must win the confrontation with capitalism.

He also praised young people who were dedicated in various fields and encouraged their loyalty to Chairman Kim Jong-un.

[조선중앙TV / 지난달 28일 : 위대한 영도에 끝없이 충실하는 것이 청년운동의 생명이라는 천리를 심장 깊이 새기고 경애하는 총비서 동지와 사상도 숨결도 발걸음도 함께해온 우리의 청춘들!]

In North Korea, young people today are called the Jangmadang generation.

As I have personally experienced economic activities by going to the market rather than rationing,

It is said to be characterized by being less dependent on the state than the previous generation and being able to respond flexibly to new cultures.

For this reason, the North Korean authorities are extremely wary of the relaxation of ideology among young people and are calling for patriotism every day.

[박원곤 / 이화여대 북한학과 교수 : 경제적 어려움, 코로나19 상황이 겹치니까 내부의 불안정 요인이 커지고 젊은 세대의 동요가 적지 않게 있었습니다. 김정은 시대의 특징 중 하나가 대외 문물에 대해 공개적으로 금지하긴 했습니다만 사실상 상당히 전파되는 모습들을 보였고…]

North Korea is tightening its grip on ideological crackdowns by adopting the Youth Education Security Act in September last year to punish youth for anti-socialist behavior.

It is known that cell phone censorship will be strengthened to block access to external information.

However, if the Jangmadang generation, who has already opened their eyes to the outside world, changes their perception of the North Korean regime, it is observed that the Kim Jong-un regime may also be affected.

This is Jo Soo-hyun from YTN.

YTN Jo Soo-hyun (sj1029@ytn.co.kr)

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