Habits to combat stress – Health and Wellness

In 2022, stress has become so ingrained in our lives that it is now the norm and a feeling that most of us believe is normal rather than something to be identified and corrected. But just because it’s common doesn’t mean it should be accepted. Stress can take a serious toll on the body, and if we’re not careful and don’t take steps to manage our stress levels, it can lead to some pretty scary health risks. You need to put into practice certain habits to combat stress.

I had my ups and downs dealing with stress, and when I was 22 years old, I was diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, a condition known to be influenced by stress levels. Until that moment, I had unknowingly let stress control my life and now it controlled my body.

Habits to combat stress
I wasn’t ready to live with that anymore, so I decided that changes had to be made. Today I can happily say that stress no longer controls my life, thanks to some stress-fighting habits I’ve incorporated.

Move your body
There are many reasons to move your body on a daily basis besides the physical benefits, and reducing stress is one of them. When we move our bodies, we release endorphins, help regulate our emotions, provide oxygen to the brain, and show our bodies that we value it.

Moving your body doesn’t have to mean exercising every day. It can mean going for a walk, doing light stretches, or participating in an activity you enjoy, such as rowing or dancing. Once you shift your mindset from I have to exercise today to Today I can move my body, this habit can become something you look forward to instead of something you dread.

regulate your emotions
If you’re like me, you didn’t grow up learning to talk regarding your emotions and feelings. It wasn’t until I was in my early twenties that I really leaned into the power of expressing my emotions in a safe environment.

We deal with many things as human beings, such as the ups and downs that come with relationships, work, and personal development. That’s a lot to hold onto, which is why it’s important to express what we’re feeling, whether through therapy, journaling, or talking to friends or family.

Regulating emotions allows you to let go of people and situations that no longer serve you and the stress that comes with them.

To meditate
Meditation has had the biggest impact on my stress levels (and I was skeptical at first). After researching and learning more regarding the different types of meditation, I found a daily routine that works for me: I switch between breathing exercises, guided meditations, sound baths, and silent meditations. Everyone is different, so finding a meditation method that works for you may take some time, but the most important thing I’ve learned is that there is no wrong way to meditate, and sticking to it is key.

Limit caffeine intake
I have always been sensitive to caffeine. I am that person who gets nervous and can’t fall asleep at night when I have a cup of coffee. However, I still give in to my desire from time to time.

Caffeine affects everyone differently, and if you’re anything like me, you’ve had to change your relationship with it. These days I switch between coffee, green tea, and matcha, which gives me a better balance.

I sometimes add coconut water to my coffee to help with its dehydrating effect, but I never drink coffee on an empty stomach or following 3 pm Now, coffee in the right amount and scenarios don’t make me jittery or fluctuate my blood levels. stress. It just brings me joy.

Sleep enough
You’ve probably heard celebrities like J.Lo and Jennifer Aniston say that the secret to healthy skin is lots of water and a good night’s sleep, and who are we to argue with them?

Sleep affects every part of our body, from our brains and cognitive abilities to our energy levels throughout the day. Personally, I am much more irritable on days when I sleep less than seven hours. If we consistently don’t get enough sleep, it puts pressure on our bodies, leading to higher levels of stress.

Talk to your doctor regarding a B-12 supplement.
Yes, stress and fatigue can also play a role in nutrient deficiencies. Supplements can be of great help when you are not getting enough natural vitamins from your diet.

That said, I always recommend talking to your doctor before taking any new supplements. As someone who follows a primarily vegetarian diet, which often doesn’t contain foods high in B-12, it made sense that I would be deficient and why I felt a significant reduction in my stress levels once I started taking it.

Studies have shown that there is a relationship between vitamin B-12 deficiency and energy levels, so it’s no surprise that you had more energy following taking the supplement. The best part? My stress has become much more manageable.

Source: Aquatrolados



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