10 mistakes to avoid during job interviews

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However, in many cases, job applicants commit "fatal fundamental errors" During job interviewsWhich negatively affects their ability to get a job.

And the director of the Institute of Preparation and Training, Muhammad Jabri, says in an interview with the website: "Sky News Arabia" Avoiding making all kinds of mistakes during a job interview is almost impossible, but there are some "fatal errors" Which can not team HR Responsible for recruitment accept their occurrence.

Being late

From this standpoint, the "Being late for a job interview" It is the first mistake that every researcher should avoid "Whatever it takes"due to its immediate negative impact and its indication that you are a non-compliant person.

Know the history of the company

According to Jabri, "Ignorance of the company’s history, achievements and management" It is the second fatal mistake, indicating that there is no effective way to lose a job opportunity more than not knowing the answer to a question related to the activity of the company you are applying for.

Lack of self-esteem

He stressed the need not to exaggerate the individual in praising himself and describing his previous experiences and strengths, pointing out that making the applicant for the job himself "The entirety of the conversation"It is one of the mistakes that makes the HR team feel that they are talking to someone who is dishonest.

looking at the clock

According to Jabri, the job applicant should not be rude by looking at the wristwatch frequently, because the interviewers believe that this behavior "fundamental error" It has no justification "Lack of respect"Stressing the need not to utter the phrase, "I want to own my own business in the future" Because with this error, the applicant will be immediately placed on the list of those undesirable to be hired.

be moral

For his part, Lawyer Zakaria Al-Ghoul said in an interview with the website "Sky News Arabia" The keys to a successful job interview are to be ethical and not criticize employers or former colleagues.

He pointed out that criticism "Former employer" One of the things that sabotages the chances of success, leads the HR team you interview to wonder what you would say regarding them in similar circumstances.

No weaknesses?

On the other hand, Al-Ghoul believes that he always asks during job interviews an inquiry question regarding the weaknesses of the applicant for the job, noting that the answer is:"I don’t have weaknesses" It can be added to the list of fatal errors. Also, wearing inappropriate clothes in bold colors gives the impression that you are a person who is unable to properly assess the situation.

body language

According to Al-Ghoul, body language has a direct impact during "job interviews" For example, a very strong handshake may make the interviewer think that you are too aggressive, while adulation of the person you meet will backfire, especially if he is of the opposite sex, describing these two strategic mistakes.


However, in many cases, job applicants make “fatal fundamental mistakes” during the course of their work job interviewsWhich negatively affects their ability to get a job.

In an interview with “Sky News Arabia”, the Director of the Institute of Preparation and Training, Muhammad Jabri, says that avoiding making all kinds of mistakes during job interviews is almost impossible, but there are some “fatal mistakes” that a team cannot HR Responsible for recruitment accept their occurrence.

Being late

From this point of view, “being late for a job interview” is the first mistake that every person looking for a worker should avoid “at all costs”, given its immediate negative impact and its indication that you are a non-compliant person.

Know the history of the company

According to Jabri, “ignorance of the company’s history, achievements, and management” is the second fatal mistake, pointing out that there is no more effective way to lose a job opportunity than not knowing the answer to a question related to the activity of the company you are applying for.

Lack of self-esteem

He stressed the need for the individual not to exaggerate in praising himself and describing his previous experiences and strengths, pointing out that making the applicant himself “the focus of the entire conversation” is one of the mistakes that make the human resources team feel that they are talking with an insincere person.

looking at the clock

According to Jabri, the job applicant should not be rude by looking at the wristwatch repeatedly, because the interviewers see this behavior as a “fundamental mistake” that has no justification other than “disrespect,” stressing the need not to utter the phrase “I want to own my own business in The future” because with this error, the applicant will be immediately placed on the list of those unwilling to be hired.

be moral

For his part, lawyer Zakaria Al-Ghoul said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia” that the main keys to a successful job interview are to be ethical and not to criticize employers or former colleagues.

He pointed out that criticizing the “former employer” is one of the things that destroys the chances of success, which prompts the human resources team you meet to ask what you will say regarding them in similar circumstances.

No weaknesses?

On the other hand, Al-Ghoul believes that he always asks during job interviews an inquiry question regarding the applicant’s weaknesses, noting that the answer “I do not have weaknesses” can be added to the list of fatal errors. Also, wearing inappropriate clothes in bold colors gives the impression that you are a person who is unable to properly assess the situation.

body language

According to Al-Ghoul, body language has a direct impact during “job interviews.” For example, a very strong handshake may make the interviewer think that you are very aggressive, while adulation of the person you meet will backfire, especially if he is of the opposite sex, describing these two strategic mistakes.



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