Museum Lab presents “Kif-el-Kef” from September 23 to 25, 2022: Heritage differently

Visitors will be able to enjoy, among other things, three slightly restored and rehabilitated heritage sites, five cultural and natural visit circuits, the restitution of four artistic residences carried out in-situ, and a Light circuit produced with the Interference Festival.

The Museum Lab association is organizing, from September 23 to 25, 2022 at Kef, the first edition of the “Kif-El-Kef” event. The initiative comes to support the dynamic around heritage in the north-west region. Driven by the thousand-year-old cultural richness and diversity of the region, by the creativity of Tunisian artists and by the enthusiasm of young project leaders, accompanied within its “Patrimoni” training, Musem Lab proposes to build around this heritage by launching this first edition of Kif-El-Kef. The event highlights the heritage enhancement project of the Medina that Museum Lab has been carrying out for more than a year, in co-creation with 5 young beneficiaries from Kef in professional research, experts in heritage, culture, creatives, the municipality of Le Kef and various partners.

Kif-El-Kef will be an opportunity, as the program suggests, to explore and live differently the Medina of Kef, the ancient capital of Numidia, and its multi-millennial heritage. Visitors will be able to enjoy three slightly restored and rehabilitated heritage sites, five cultural and natural visit circuits, the restitution of 4 artistic residences carried out in-situ, a Light circuit carried out with the Interference Festival, a photographic exhibition, two music concerts, one given on opening day by artist Nuri, followed by a DJ following party and a second, scheduled for September 24, by the group Dendri-Stambeli Movement. The three circuits to discover and experience during these three days are: a circuit in the middle of nature called “The perched syncline of Dyr El Kef” which is a project carried out with the two beneficiaries Meher Djebali and Chaima Arbi. Marked with terminals with QR codes, from the Medina to the delegation of Zaafran, the trail offers the opportunity to discover the fauna and flora of Kef in a fun and sporty way. A second circuit dedicated to the songs of the Sufi brotherhoods of Kef, entitled “Joujma”. It is a sensory journey to immerse yourself in the Sufi heritage, in particular the brotherhoods that passed through the Kef. To discover, at each station of the 4 different zaouias of Kef, QR codes from which escape sounds and songs accompanied by historical details. The path ends with a VR experience of a Hadhra filmed in 360°. And a last circuit, devoted to built heritage with twelve terminals equipped with QR codes, tells the story of the emblematic monuments of the City of Kef, witnesses of the richness of civilizations, cultures and religions crossed for millennia by this region: St. Peter’s Basilica, the Ghriba, the Kasbah, Sidi Bou Makhlouf, etc. Museum Lab is a scientific association that works in the field of digital humanities to offer new ways of learning and research, generating new job opportunities or new forms of creation. Above all, it is the result of encounters between artists, researchers, developers and students from various backgrounds who seek to explore the impact that new technology might have on the experience of the museum and archaeological sites. The previous projects developed by this network, such as Mapping Sculpture In Carthago or Coïncidences, were deployed around creative workshops at the service of museum communities, mediation and the dissemination of local culture. These projects were intended as a space for modeling and experimentation around digital and new museography in the heritage and museum sector in Tunisia.



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