Peter Kaiser has been Governor of Carinthia since 2013. He wants to be once more. The SPÖ sets the course today, Saturday, at the Carinthia Conference and chooses him as the top candidate. The four constituency lists and the state list are decided. On March 5, 2023, it will be the turn of the voters. “We want to continue to be at the top of the country. I am ready, we are ready to lead the country through the damn difficult and hard times,” Kaiser called out to the delegates. He takes stock of the last few years, names successes, positive developments and gives an outlook. Even if the party doesn’t officially want to see it that way. It’s the start of the election campaign. The big momentum is missing, but the approval is unanimous. Outside, in front of the conference rooms at Lakeside, stickers for the cars are already being distributed. “Always by your side” is written on it, just like the motto of the Carinthia Conference.