France Alzheimer Gers resumes its activities in Lectoure

the essential
Beautiful day of reunion for the members of the France Alzheimer Gers association with a family meal.

They met in large numbers at the Café des Sports on September 2 for a moment of conviviality particularly conducive to exchanges, the family meal. “It is precisely this dynamic of sharing between us, members, people helping or helped, which gives its importance to this association and that is what together we must preserve”, explained Christiane Chicard, volunteer of France Alzheimer Gers since many years and active in the territory of Lectoure and Fleurance.

Christiane Chicard congratulated the secretary of the association, Muriel Fado-Felip, “for the quality of her work and for her availability because she is the one who provides the link between members, volunteers, administrators and all the partners and external contacts. Hub of the association, faced with a heavy administrative workload, she nevertheless knows how to keep her smile and her friendliness in all circumstances”.

Thanks also went to Mr. and Mrs. Santiago, responsible for the rural management of Lomagne, for having received France Alzheimer for a charitable action, with a word of apology for President Jean-Marc Pinaud. Everyone thanked Laurent Pysz for his welcome. The followingnoon continued with the visit of the Village des Jugs.

Soon World Alzheimer’s Day

The memory cafés resumed on September 6 (one Tuesday per month) and World Alzheimer’s Day will take place on Sunday September 25; popular festivals will be honored there. On the program: mountain bike ride (30 km; 5 euros), long or short hike (12 or 8 km; registrations respectively for each hike, 2 euros). An interactive stand will be held by France Alzheimer Gers and a paella meal will be offered (15 euros; reservations required before Sunday September 18, with Mrs Gensac, at Mrs. Sempé, at Then a traditional ball will be hosted by the Casteldanses association of Castelnau-sur-l’Auvignon (7 euros). Special rate for the full day: 20 euros.

Information from Christiane Chicard, at or Virginie Loir, the psychologist, at



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