Time is rolling back nearly 10 decades… This is how Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral will be

The whole world mourned Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Britain, at the age of 96, and with her passing, time turns a life spanning nearly 10 decades in which most British people have known no other Queen. Balmoral in Scotland, the place where she has always loved to “hibernate” and take a breath away from the hustle and bustle of life. Although her departure was not surprising at this age, shock fell on the faces of many who saw her as an icon and symbol of British greatness..

royal casket

In this regard, the BBC has presented its expectations regarding the arrangements in place for the funeral and the state funeral, at a time when the nation will pay a farewell look and show appreciation and respect for a queen who was “the rock on which Britain was built”, according to the words of the new British Prime Minister Liz Terrace..

Elizabeth between her grandparents
Elizabeth between her grandparents

Initially, the Queen’s coffin will be carried in a solemn procession slowly from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall.” Westminster Hall accompanied by a military parade and members of the royal family.

The public will be able to watch the procession as it passes through the streets, and it is likely that large screens broadcasting the solemn event will be installed in the Royal London Garden.

The Queen’s body will then lie in Westminster Hall for regarding four days before the funeral. This place will be open for the people to take a last farewell in person.

This great hall is the oldest part of the Palace of Westminster, and is at the heart of the British government’s center. Queen Elizabeth’s mother was the last member of the royal family to rest in this majestic place in 2002, when more than 200,000 people lined up around her coffin to pay a farewell..

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II will be placed on a platform called the “Katavalk”. “(catafalque)And under the hall’s wooden ceiling dating back to the Middle Ages and covering the “Westminster Hall”, which was built in the eleventh century. And every corner of this platform will be guarded by soldiers from units serving the royal family.


According to the “BBC”, the flag associated with the royal family “Royal Standard” will be worn by the Queen’s coffin, this flag, on which three golden lions for England, a red lion for Scotland, and a lyre for Ireland are painted. In “Westminster Hall”, the coffin will also be topped by the crown of the British Empire, which shines on top, “St Edward’s sapphire”, and in the middle is the “Black Prince’s sapphire”, one of the most famous gemstones in the world, and directly below it lies the “Cullinan diamond”. It is known that the crown is one of the most precious jewels of the British royal court and the heaviest jewelry of the Queen of Britain, which has always adorned her head on most official occasions. In addition to the flag and the crown, the sceptre and the golden ball above the cross will be placed on the body, given that the British monarch is the head of the Protestant Church as well..

When is the Queen’s funeral?

The Queen’s state funeral will be held at Westminster Abbey“Westminster Abbey Less than two weeks later, Buckingham Palace will confirm the exact date later.

And “Westminster Abbey” is the historical church in which Britain’s kings and queens are usually crowned, and it was a witness to the coronation ceremonies of the late Queen in 1953, and her marriage to Prince Philip in 1947.

Since the eighteenth century, the church has not witnessed a royal funeral, noting that the funeral of the Queen’s mother was held there in 2002.

It is expected that the funeral will be attended by a large number of heads of state and government. The funeral will also be attended by senior British politicians and former prime ministers.

Queen Elizabeth 5500
Queen Elizabeth II and her children

On that day, the Queen’s coffin will be transported from Westminster Hall to Westminster Abbey in a Royal Navy cannon. This cannon cart was last seen in 1979 at the funeral of Prince Philip’s uncle, Lord Mountbatten, and was lured by 142 Royal Navy soldiers..

The procession is likely to be followed by senior members of the royal family, including the new King Charles. Reverend David Howell, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin, will deliver the homily. The Prime Minister may be invited to read from the Bible.

After the funeral, the Queen’s coffin will be carried by foot from the church to Wellington Arch” Wellington Archin Hyde Park Cornu” Hyde Park Corner London, before heading to Windsor in a casket carriage.

Then the Queen’s coffin makes its last trip that followingnoon to “St. George’s Chapel”.” St George’s Chapel In “Windsor Castle”” Windsor Castle.

Elizabeth and the royal family

The new king and senior members of the royal family are expected to join the procession in Windsor Castle Square before the casket enters St George’s Chapel, where the tribute ceremony will be held..

Generally, the royal family always chooses St. George’s Chapel for weddings, baptisms and funerals. It is where the Duke and Duchess of Sussex married Prince Harry and Meghan, and where the funeral of the Queen’s late husband Prince Philip took place..

Before the burial of the Queen’s coffin in the King George VI Memorial Chapel, it is planned to visit the Royal Crypt “Royal Vault”.” Royal Vault Where Prince Philip lies.



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