Visiting the dentist regularly would keep you away from dementia

People with gum disease are up to 23% more likely to suffer from cognitive decline or dementia, according to a recent study.

Noise from the dental drill, inevitable pain and uncomfortable position: going to the dentist is a painful moment and feared by some, and yet it might prevent many health problems. According to a recent study, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society and relayed by the Daily mailhaving your teeth checked regularly would be essential to prevent dementia.

To reach this conclusion, the scientists pooled data from 47 previous studies that looked at the association between cognitive decline or dementia and oral health. Most of the articles focused on people over 65 and reported on changes in their health for less than a decade. They found that people with gum disease like periodontitis were up to 23% more likely to suffer from cognitive decline or dementia.

VIDEO – Health Book – Dr Christian Recchia: “Your toothbrush is a nest of germs, viruses and fungi. You have to change it every month”

Further research needed

“From a clinical perspective, our findings underscore the importance of periodontal health monitoring and management in the context of dementia prevention”explained the authors of the study, while emphasizing the need for further research. “Available evidence is not yet sufficient to indicate clear ways of early identification of those at risk and the most effective measures to prevent cognitive deterioration,” they added.

As a reminder, periodontitis can lead to bone loss in the jaw, spaces under the teeth and damage to the connective tissue that holds the teeth in place. It can be prevented by brushing your teeth to remove plaque before it turns into tartar, a hard, cement-like substance that can only be removed by professionals.

According to figures from theWorld Health Organizationsevere periodontitis affects approximately 14% of the world’s adult population, or more than one billion people worldwide.

VIDEO – Health Book – Dr Christian Recchia: “Your toothbrush is a nest of germs, viruses and fungi. You have to change it every month”



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