Development and Reform Commission: Pay close attention to the dynamics of the live pig market to ensure that the price of live pigs runs in a reasonable range_Enterprise_Later_Industry

Original title: Development and Reform Commission: Pay close attention to the dynamics of the live pig market to ensure that the price of live pigs runs in a reasonable range

According to the official WeChat account of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Price Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Consumer Promotion Department of the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant departments, organized a meeting of industry associations, head breeding enterprises and slaughtering enterprises to conduct in-depth analysis. The supply, demand and price situation of the live pig market shall be studied and the work of ensuring supply and price stability in the live pig market shall be done well.

The analysis of relevant parties believes that the current price ratio of pig and grain is in a reasonable range, and the average profit of live pig breeding is significantly higher than the historical average level. If the price of live pigs rises further, it may lead to an excessive increase in production capacity and a sharp drop in prices in the later period, which is not conducive to the long-term healthy development of the industry. . Regarding the price trend in the later period, all parties believe that the current production capacity of live pigs is generally reasonable and sufficient, and the number of fertile sows has continued to rise. The volume is increasing month by month; following the weather turns cooler, the growth rate of fattening pigs will accelerate, and the supply of pork will further increase. The overall judgment is that the supply of live pigs and pork markets is guaranteed in the latter part of this year, and the prices are expected to run within a reasonable range.

The participating companies agreed that they will take the lead in ensuring supply and price stability in the live pig market, and strive to increase market supply and promote stable prices. The participating industry associations stated that they will strengthen industry self-discipline and guide companies to maintain a normal rhythm of slaughtering and not hoarding goods. In addition, some companies have reported that some self-media recently deliberately exaggerated the atmosphere of price increases, and suggested that the state should strengthen supervision and guide the market to trade rationally.

In the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will continue to pay close attention to the dynamics of the live pig market together with relevant departments, and take effective and timely measures to ensure that the price of live pigs operates within a reasonable range and promote the long-term healthy development of the industry.Return to Sohu, see more


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