Moscow municipal deputies demanded Putin’s resignation

Municipal deputies of the Moscow municipal district Lomonosovsky turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin demanding to resign. They believe that a change of power is necessary for the well-being of the country and note that following Putin’s second term, “everything went wrong.” The protocol decision of the deputies on the appeal to the president is posted on the official website of the district.

In his circulation the deputies emphasize that the aggressive rhetoric of Putin and his subordinates threw Russia back into the Cold War era, that the GDP did not double, the minimum wage did not rise to the declared figures, smart and hard-working people leave Russia en masse, and the promised stability is not in sight.

In this regard, they ask the president to leave his post. “Your views, your management model are hopelessly outdated and impede the development of Russia and its human potential,” the municipal deputies write.

Also, the deputies of the Lomonosov district appealed to the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin. In their circulation it is said that the system of local self-government does not actually work in Moscow, and dual power has developed at the district level, which hinders any initiatives of local residents and their representatives.

  • September 7 deputies of the municipality Smolninskoe in St. Petersburg published a request to the State Duma of Russia to accuse Vladimir Putin of high treason and demand his removal from office. Petersburg deputies believe that Putin’s decision to start the invasion of the Russian army on the territory of Ukraine harms the security of Russia and its citizens. On September 9, the deputies who signed the appeal were caused to the police, protocols were drawn up once morest them under the article on discrediting the Russian army.

More regarding the events – in the video news release of Radio Liberty:



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