How to heal the relationship with dad? Antonina Canal shares some forgiveness techniques

Antonina Canal shares some personal growth exercises that aim to heal the relationship with the father figure. According to her, implementing these forgiveness and reconciliation tools will have positive effects on all relationships, romantic or otherwise, with men throughout your life. Learn more in this episode of Yes I can and it’s easy.

Antonina’s first advice is to avoid judging, criticizing and comparing the actions of a father. For many, this can be a challenge. In fact there is a theory of psychology that explains why people judge: mirror theory. This states that people judge and criticize some behaviors because they see themselves reflected in them, that is, that person reminds them of some lack or characteristic that they do not like at all.

In different episodes of Yes I can and it’s easy, Antonina explains that these situations can be used as an opportunity for growth. A self-assessment can be the solution to transform negative thoughts into positive ones, which can also be applied in different family relationships, such as the relationship with the father. When you judge your father, ask yourself: what action of his annoys you and why? How can you avoid falling into the same behavior?

Learn to implement this and other exercises together with Antonina Canal, in Yes I can and it’s easy to heal the relationship with your father and thus avoid repeating the negative patterns of his life. Also, discover more tools for personal growth in the weekly program Yes I can and it’s easy.

Having studied plastic arts at the School of Visual Arts in New York, Antonina has dedicated herself to exploring Eastern culture and discovering the relationship between women, dance, healing and inner power. Besides, she has written the books: The awakening of the goddess (2017), Yes I can and it’s easy (2018), Life is a dance (2019), The tarot of the fairies (2020) and Agenda woman self-love (2022).

She was a pioneer in bringing oriental dance to Colombia by opening her Prem Shakti academy in 1999 and being a sworn teacher and honorary teacher at the Great Ahlan Wa Sahlan International Oriental Dance Festival in Cairo (Egypt). Today she is known as a cultural manager and she is a writer, lecturer, aura-soma therapist, dancer and coach business and empowerment

Discover this program in Play Weekthe weekly video space where knowledge is shared in an entertaining and educational way.



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