[국제]Longer War… Still Dreaming of Reconstruction | YTN


The Ukrainian war is getting longer, but citizens are standing up once more, dreaming of rebuilding.

The international community is also in full swing, but opinions are divided on the support method.

Reporter Kim Seon-hee reports.


The faces of children heading to school are filled with anticipation and excitement more than ever.

In a school where the traces of the war are still clearly visible, the children began their classes with difficulty.

Although evacuation drills were conducted from the first day, I am happy just to return to school and go back to school.

[올렉산드라 우르반 / 학부모 : 아직도 전쟁상황이라 걱정이 됩니다. 두렵지만 학교가 아이들의 생명을 구할 것이라 믿습니다.]

Although the war is getting longer, many citizens dream of rebuilding it while carrying even a small brick.

Volunteers work every weekend to fix war-torn homes.

[빅토리아 프로셴코 / 자원봉사자 : 내가 도우면 내가 곤경에 처했을 때 누군가가 나를 도와준다는 삶의 규칙이 있기 때문에 자원봉사단에 가입했습니다. 다행히도 우리 집이 파괴되지 않아 다른 사람들을 도울 수 있습니다.]

The international community’s movement for the reconstruction of Ukraine is also in full swing.

Following the first meeting held in Switzerland in July, specific support plans will be discussed in Berlin, Germany next month.

The financial resources needed to restore Ukraine are regarding 982 trillion won.

The European Union and the EU have already promised 673 trillion won in financial support.

Ukrainian President Zelensky is urging the international community to join the rebuilding effort.

[볼로디미르 젤렌스키 / 우크라이나 대통령 : 우크라이나에 투자하십시오. 이것은 귀하의 승리가 되고 귀사의 성공 스토리가 될 것입니다.]

Ukraine is arguing that the western countries will seize and sell the frozen assets of the Russian government and Russia’s emerging conglomerate to finance the reconstruction.

However, the amount and method of support differ depending on the interests of each country, such as the UK and the EU in favor of it but Switzerland once morest it.

This is YTN Kim Seon-hee.

YTN Kim Seon-hee (sunny@ytn.co.kr)

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