Comedy stars.. rise and fall | Gulf newspaper

Cairo: Nora Hassan
The comedian no longer occupies his seat for decades in a row, as the heroes and stars of black and white were in the past, as the emergence and decline of a star has become very accelerated in recent times, and it has become a remarkable phenomenon in the artistic community.

Some stars are trying to cling to what remains of their stardom, and others are trying to restore balance, following they depended on cinema in the first place, most of them are trying to divide their stardom between cinema, theater and television, while producers strive all the time to search for new faces to present, To the extent that some of them found in the group of “Egypt Theater” heroes an opportunity to create new window stars, in the cinema in particular, but experience has proven that most of them are still unable to bear the so-called “absolute championship” alone, or achieve the principle of “the window star” alone. And most of them started relying on bilateral or triple tournaments, under the title of the return of the “collective championship”, which is a double-edged sword, sometimes succeeding and sometimes failing to achieve the desired, which indicates a state of confusion in the comedy stars map, and confirmed by the absence of the theater, especially following the end of The experience of “Egypt Theatre”.

Years did not pass in which a number of comedy stars occupied the scene, such as Mohamed Henedy, Mohamed Saad, Ahmed Helmy, and following them Karim Abdel Aziz, they dominated the box office in the cinema, and with the emergence of other stars such as Ahmed Makki, Hani Ramzy, Ahmed Adam, Ashraf Abdel Baqi, And others, the curve of the stars of the first grade began to decline, and the stars of the second grade followed them with the emergence of new comedy stars such as the trio Hisham Majed and Sheko and Ahmed Fahmy, who quickly disintegrated and split into a duo and Hisham Majid and Chico cooperated in a number of works, while Ahmed Fahmy started trying to rely on his name Solo, however, their presence did not last long, and declined in favor of new stars such as Akram Hosni, Bayoumi Fouad, Ahmed Fathi and Mohamed Tharwat, so that each of them made attempts, to end the experience of “Theater Egypt”, following years of collective success, so that each of them tried to go into the experience alone, However, most of them are still unable to compete cinematically on their own, which made most of them resort to duos or trios.

While the rise curve of comedy star Yasmine Abdel Aziz, the only one who was able to compete with top comedy stars at the box office, star Donia Samir Ghanem began to rise, since she achieved great success in television drama, both with Ahmed Makki in “The Great Away.” Or, following that, she confronted the absolute championship in the series “Lahfa”, then “Nellie and Sherihan”, and following them “Bad Al-Hadouta Talatah”, and “Vel La La Land”, to decide recently to storm the cinema with the absolute championship, and present the movie “Delivery of the People” with participation. With Hisham Majed, as for her sister Amy Samir Ghanem, who shared the success with her in “Nellie and Sherihan”, although she decided to take the absolute championship in the television drama, whether in “Super Miro”, or before her when her husband Hassan Al-Raddad participated in “Azmi and Ashgan”, she might not She is starring in the cinema solo, and her husband, the artist Hassan Al-Raddad, participated in the movie “Because we are outside”, while her husband, the artist Hassan Al-Raddad, decided not to confine himself to comedy, and decided to go through the romantic experience through the movie “My Soulmate”, and then recently the action through the movie “Soulmate.” Under the threat of the weapon”.

The game of musical chairs between comedy stars, and the rise and fall, some critics attribute to writing. Critic Khayriya Al-Bashlawy asserts that the real problem in the works that do not succeed is the quality of writing, and not just that it depends on the verses or the comedy of situations, the attempt to reproduce successful experiences, and the ease of writing And the absence of vision often, and the quote from the comedy of the communication sites, which explains the regression curve for some stars.

The great director Omar Abdel Aziz confirms that laughter is an art in itself, and it is a complex process, as it depends on the psychological state of the recipient, his culture and his follow-up to developments in life, and the extent of the comic star’s understanding of this. Drama addresses the heart and plays on the chord of feelings, so it may be less difficult to write regarding it. Comedy is one of the most difficult types of arts, and depends heavily on the director’s handling of comic data.

Writer and poet Ayman Bahjat Qamar confirms that there are social comedies that succeeded and lived, and others that depended on stereotyping and irony also succeeded.

The problem is writing

Critic Kamal Ramzy believes that the problem all the time lies in writing, and the continuation of the star does not come except with his keenness to select his works, because the stories are the daughter of their time, unlike the comedy drama that lives with all generations and continues, there is no objection to renewing the blood of comedy, provided that it does not remove The generation of the other generation to take its place, so what is the objection to the generations continuing.



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