causes, symptoms, treatment, we tell you more about this disorder

Have you ever heard of polycystic ovary syndrome, also known as PCOS? For several years, the word has been released around the disorders that women may encounter, such as premenstrual syndrome, endometriosis Or PCOS. This disease, which is still too little known, nevertheless affects 1 in 10 women and has become the leading cause of infertility in women, as stated Insermthe national institute of health and medical research.

PCOS: what is it?

This disorder qualifies as a hormonal disorder common in women of childbearing age. This syndrome is due to a hormonal imbalance of ovarian origin which leads to excessive production of hormones, in particular androgens, such as testosterone, usually produced in small quantities in thefemale organism. Result: the testosterone level in the blood of these women affected by this disorder is too high.

What are the symptoms and risks of PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome affects approximately 10% of women and its symptoms can be debilitating on a daily basis. Among the main symptoms are:

  • An ovulation disorder or an inability to ovulate: this results in irregular menstrual cycles of approximately 35 to 60 days or the absence of ovulation which can lead to infertility.
  • Hyperandrogenism is an excessive production of testosterone which results in hyperpilosity.
  • In the case of an overweight person, it can cause diabetes.

In the long term, this disease can cause type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

What possible treatment?

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome. Only an asymptomatic treatment, which makes it possible to reduce the daily problems and to facilitate the life of a woman and the improvement of her hygiene of life exists today. In addition, psychological follow-up is recommended for women with this disorder.

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Finally, regarding infertility, there are treatments that stimulate ovulation and allow women to get pregnant. In the most difficult cases, it is possible to resort to medically assisted procreation.

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