kidnapped Famous actress Julia Roberts Attention during the special screening of her movie Ticket to Paradise in London, through her distinctive dress, which dazzled Amal Clooney and her husband, George Clooney, who is co-starring in the film with Julia, .. According to reports from foreign websites, specifically the Daily Mail, which was monitored in several photos more From a clip that focused on how much Amal and her husband admire the distinctive dress, and the signs that distinguish it.
Movie Ticket To Paradise rolling around Wren ButlerA recent graduate of the University of Chicago accompanies her best friend Lily on a short post-graduate trip to Bali, but Lily’s sudden decision to marry a Bali resident prompts her parents to join a team to try to prevent her from repeating the mistake they made 25 years ago.
Therefore, Rin resides in Bali to attend the engagement and wedding celebrations, and in the meantime, she finds her love with a local doctor, and the film is scheduled to be released in theaters around the world starting on October 21.
The new movie stars Kaitlyn Dever, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Billie Lord, Lucas Bravo, Senate Mebrato, Talha Schentürk, Maxime Potter, Moran Kane, Sean Lynch, and is written and directed by Ol Parker, and written by Daniel Pepsky.
George Clooney’s wife dazzled in Julia’s dress
Clooney consults on the dress
Clooney dazzled in Julia’s dress