Les Charmilles, at the heritage stadium

Art and football are two mediums, two worlds, which, it seems, have nothing to do with each other. However, Nicolas Wadimoff, head of the cinema department of the Haute Ecole d’art et de design de Genève (HEAD), is a subscriber to the Vélodrome stadium in Marseille. This Monday morning, avenue de Châtelaine, he is chatting at the coffee machine with a young woman who is returning from Lucerne. From the Kunstmuseum? “I went to see Servette by train with the Garnet Section [le groupe de supporters ultras du club genevois]she told him. There is also the father of Sandra Mudronja, the communication manager, who worked in the staff of Miroslav Blazevic, legendary Croatian coach. Or the stylist Maëva Weissen, who went “every Saturday to see FC Onex”.

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