Meso, clear face, a helper for rejuvenating facial skin to look full and juicy.

Meso, clear face, is it dangerous?

If using a genuine drug that meets FDA standards The drug used is not dangerous. Because the drug consists of extracts that come from nature such as Homeopathy that contains various vitamins. That helps nourish the skin and strengthen the immune system to make the skin stronger.

What is the difference between Meso and each brand?

1. Focus on white face Containing various vitamins that help make the face more white, such as vitamin ABCE, Transamin, Glutathione.

2. Focus on clear face with a mixture of collagen and coenzymes as the main that helps add moisture to the skin to be fuller, including helping to tighten pores as well.

3. Focus on reducing acne – reducing rashes That helps reduce inflammation of the skin caused by acne. Helps accelerate the excretion of accumulated toxins Helps the sebaceous glands to function normally.

Meso, clear face, does it hurt?

Mesotherapy injections do not require the use of anesthetics to aid in the treatment. because it is a very short procedure The patient almost felt no pain at all. Just use an ice cold compress to help ease the pain.

How long does a clear face meso last?

injection every time The drug can be effective for up to 1-2 months, depending on how you take care of yourself following each procedure.

Meso injection technique for clear face with poke vs 16 points?

Poke type is the use of a needle to poke the skin in small spots. all over the face It will poke in the superficial layer of skin. for the vitamins to be absorbed into the skin It helps to stimulate the creation of collagen in the skin layer as well.

The 16-point injection is the use of needles to inject 16 points across the face in the direction of lymphatic flow. so that vitamins can be absorbed into the skin faster This is a method of injection that causes less wounds, less pain, and gives the drug more long-term efficacy.

Meso, clear face, see results in how many days And how often should it be done?

You will start to see results regarding 3 days following the injection, and the full effect will be seen in regarding 7-14 days. Generally, doctors will recommend injections once a week for the first 1 month and following that injections should be spaced every 2 weeks to Helps maintain good skin condition for a long time

Precautions for making a clear face meso program?

1. Women who are pregnant or are lactating. Should not be treated by this procedure is strictly prohibited.

2. People with inflamed skin, infection, severe acne inflammation. should be cured before receiving services

3. People with diseases related to the circulatory system that cause blood to clot easily, including have abnormal blood pressure

4. People who have diabetes and need regular insulin injections.

5. People with a history of allergic reactions to vitamins, both injectable and oral form.

Review of continuous mesotherapy injections for clear face regularly.

Results may vary from person to person.

Meso, clear face, a helper for rejuvenating facial skin to look full and juicy.

Meso, clear face, a helper for rejuvenating facial skin to look full and juicy.

In conclusion, is mesotherapy safe or not?

Using the Mesotherapy injection program It is a time-saving, convenient, fast, painless procedure, does not leave marks, and has no side effects that are harmful to the skin. The drug can disintegrate naturally. and following the procedure can lead a normal life You should only inject genuine mesotherapy that has passed the FDA. And should choose to do with a clinic that has a regular doctor to consult before making an injection decision.

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