What will happen when Elizabeth II dies: all about the London Bridge operation

  • This is the secret plan for “D-day” and the 10 days following her death, preceded by “Operation Unicorn” if the queen dies in Balmoral (Scotland)

  • “London Bridge has fallen”, the code phrase with which the news will be communicated to the Prime Minister and which gives its name to the protocol

  • Elizabeth II of England, live: last hour of the state of the queen

Prince Charles, his wife Camila and Prince William have already moved to the queen’s summer residence to be with her, while the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan Markle are on their wayreports the British press. British Prime Minister Liz Truss has stressed that “the whole country is deeply concerned”, and the BBC has suspended all its programming from the main channelat least until 6 in the evening, with all their presenters dressed in black, to inform viewers regarding the evolution of his health, informs the Daily Mail.

What will happen when Queen Elizabeth dies?

The English press has been speculating for years regarding how will the operation of the Royal House and the British government be when Elizabeth II, who turned 96 on April 21, dies. A year ago now, the American media Political filtered all details regarding the vast security operation that will be launched in the country to manage the death of its monarch, the oldest and longest on the throne (70 years). It’s regarding the call “Operation London Bridge”, in the event that he dies in the British capital, which will be preceded by a previous protocol, “Operation Unicorn” (“Operation Unicorn) if he died in Scottish lands (Balmoral)where are you.

What is “Operation London Bridge”?

The code name of this “secret plan” on all the steps to follow following the death of the queen es ‘Operation London Bridge’ (London Bridge Operation). First The news would be communicated to her son, Prince Charles, and to all the institutional bodies and countries of the Commonwealth in which Elizabeth II is Head of State.

In the media, the first official news will be given by the BBCwhich will change your logo to blackWith everyone their presenters in rigorous mourning. the news too will be written on a lectern that will be placed at the gates of Buckingham Palace.

The website of the Royal House will go black

The official website of the Royal House British will be replaced by a black image with a brief statement confirming the Queen’s death, while the gov.uk website and all government social media pages will display a black banner.

Banned retweets in other media?

If the forecast of these documents is maintained, the day that Isabel II dies no other content will be published that is not urgent, it is expected social media blackouts” y Retweets in other media will be prohibited (sharing official communications on networks) unless authorized by the head of government communications. This was the hardest part controversy and which then attracted the most attention for the limits to freedom of expression.

The key phrase with which death will be communicated to Liz Truss

Another of the details that have already been leaked in recent years is that a public official will inform Prime Minister Liz Truss by phone that “London Bridge is down”, which gives the operation its name. The Prime Minister will give a address to the nation from Downing Street.

Liz Truss, British Prime MinisterAaron Chown/PA Wire/dpa

Parliament will be adjourned on D-Day

the day of death will be referred to internally as “D-day”and each day following the funeral will be called “Day 1”, “Day 2”, etc. The uk parliament and the devolved legislatures in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland They will suspend the session.

All flags will fly at half-staff for 10 minutes.

After the announcement, all Government flags will fly at half-staff for 10 minutes.

The other operation for the accession of Prince Charles to the throne

In the so-called ‘Operation String Tide’, it is also established how the heir to the throne, charles of englandit will be proclaimed new king from day 1, the day following ‘D-day’con official speech in the bulletin at 6:00 p.m. On the 3rd, King Charles of England will start a country tour.

Prince Charles of England, in a file photo

Prince Charles of England, in a file photoCordon Press

The queen’s coffin tour and visits from the public in Westminster

The queen’s coffin would be carried in a procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbeywhere it will rest for three days on a raised box known as a catafalque, open to the public between days 6 and 9, for three hours. The VIPs will have a special schedule. Then the body of the queen will be temporarily devolved to Buckingham Palace.

Queen Elizabeth II resumes her agenda four days following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh

Queen Elizabeth II, in a file photoniusdiario.es

State funeral will be 10 days following death

The state funeral will take place on the 10th day following death, at Westminster Abbey, where a two-minute national silence will be observed, which will be followed by burial at Windsor, in St. George’s Chapel, where they rest too remains of her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, his parents and sisterand will be advertised as a “national day of mourning”. If it falls on a weekday, employers will be left to the discretion of giving their staff the day off, and there will be no substitute day off if it falls on a weekend.

Live: The British royal family bids farewell to the Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Palace

Farewell to the Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Palaceniusdiario.es

Forecast of tourist arrivals and terrorist attacks

The documents also showed concerns of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on how to organize the entrance for a significant number of touristsfrom the Ministry of the Interior on how to handle possible terrorist alerts and the Department of Transportation on the overcrowding in the capital.

A minute of silence and salutes with arms

The Ministry of Defense plans to carry out salutes with weapons and will be announced two-minute national silence.

If the queen dies at Balmoral, “Operation Unicorn” is triggered first

The political scientist and international analyst Víctor Dénizwarns on Twitter that If Queen Elizabeth II dies in Balmoral, Scottish land, and where she is at the moment, the protocol will vary at first, with a different prior plan, called “Operation Unicorn”.

“The first thing that would happen before being made public the news is that parliamentary sessions in Westminster, the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Senedd and the Northern Ireland Assembly would be suspended”, explains this expert. After, The coffin of the monarch would be transferred from Balmoral to Holyrood Palace in Edinburghcapital of Scotland, to celebrate the next day a Mass at St. Giles Cathedral, also in Edinburgh.

Posteriorly the coffin would be taken by train to Londonwhich might be an ordinary one or the Royal Train, the same one that was used in 1952, when the queen’s father died in Sandringham. here it opens another possibility: that the body be transferred to the British capital by plane. If this second option is chosen, logistics is renamed “Operation Overstudy”.

From there, the baton would be passed to the aforementioned “London Bridge Operation”, with the funeral in Westminster Abbey, where the Queen Mother’s also took place, and the body later transferred to the George’s Chapel in Windsor for burial.



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