Djibo’s deadly explosion triggered remotely by a remote-controlled device

Published on : 08/09/2022 – 14:04

The Minister of Defense of Burkina Faso provided details on the attack which targeted a supply convoy in the Sahel region on September 5, causing 35 civilian deaths and dozens of injuries. According to General Aimé Barthelemy Simporé, armed terrorist groups used an explosive device activated remotely using a remote control. The country intends to organize in the coming days a national day of the rejection of terrorism.

With our correspondent in Ouagadougou, Yaya Boudani

According to the Minister of Defense, the convoy, made up of several vehicles, left Djibo on Monday, September 5 around 8 a.m. local time. It was secured by the 14th combined arms regiment of Djibo, which regularly organizes this kind of convoy for the supply and the displacement needs of the populations.

Of ” remote control way »

A first improvised explosive device was identified and destroyed around 12 p.m. Two hours later, a vehicle from the convoy was chit by an explosive device attack in the village of Mentao. « The craft was operated remotely “, said General Aimé Barthelemy Simporé. According to the Minister of Defense, the perpetrators of the attack were ambushed not far from the route taken by the convoy.

« The 91st vehicle »

And they mainly and specifically targeted a bus carrying women and children. ” It was the 91st vehicle in the convoy. They let vehicles pass and they only targeted this vehicle “, insisted the Minister of Defense. While calling on human rights organizations to condemn this attack, General Aimé Barthelemy Simporé stressed that this act revealed ” the treacherous and cynical nature of terrorist armed groups ».

Read also : Burkina Faso: the wounded of the explosion in the Sahel taken care of in Ouagadougou



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