Consult the Solidarity Income 2022: how can I register, amount and how much is the deposit equivalent | Registration | Requirements | Sisben | Department of Social Prosperity | DPS | National Government | Colombia | Co | COLOMBIA

Find out how to know if you are one of the beneficiaries and how much the payment amount is in the following paragraphs of Depor. The Solidarity Income delivered for two years being given by the Department of Social Prosperity (DPS), and one of its objectives is to combat the economic crisis generated by the pandemic. If you are one of the beneficiaries of the program promoted by the National Government of Colombiathis note is perfect for you.

To avoid confusion and that all Colombians receive their bonus equally, families that are part of the Solidarity Income program are not authorized to receive the amount of other subsidies such as Families in Action, Youth in Action, VAT Refund, Greater Colombia, among others.

The beneficiaries of the Solidarity Income are low-income families who, in many cases, are living in a situation of vulnerability. That said, with the permission of former President Iván Duque and the current president, Gustavo Petro, this social program will continue to be one of the most important in the country.

Form to collect Solidarity Income 2022: see the steps to follow here. (Video: Social Prosperity)

Consult the Solidarity Income

If you want to see if you are a beneficiary, follow these steps:

  • Enter
  • Click the SIGN UP button located at the top right of the page.
  • In the Citizen Digital Authentication service, log in with your ID number if you are already registered or go to REGISTER HERE.
  • In the TYPE OF ACCESS, select REGISTRATION WITH IDENTITY DOCUMENT and continue with the process.
  • Once you are registered, go back to the program page and log in (steps 1, 2 and 3).
  • Upon entering the system, a window will appear with the information of the registered user. Check the data and close the window.
  • Click on the CONSULT DRAFT AND BENEFICIARIES button. Finally, a window will appear with the information related to your household (if you are a beneficiary, state of the household, etc.).

When do they start paying Solidarity Income?

All payments corresponding to the year began to be deposited from the second week of March and will be made every two months, like this. (The first payment was in January to 3 million families). Since March they have increased to 4 million. According to the updated calendar, the next delivery dates for the Solidarity Income son:

  • Fourth payment: third week of July (corresponds to the months of July and August).
  • fifth payment: second week of September (corresponds to the payment of September and October).
  • Sixth payment: second week of November (it is the last turn that covers the months of November and December).

Solidarity Income 2022: can you register for the program?

The Colombian program known as Solidarity Income does not handle registrations or raffles of any kind. The selection of potential beneficiaries is made through the information registered in the Sisbén.

How much is the payment amount of the Solidarity Income?

The beneficiaries of the Solidarity Income must take into account that the amount that they receive will be different from that of other families, since everything will depend on the group that is part of the Sisbén registry. This system serves and works with the Department of Social Prosperity to detect the most vulnerable families who need more support.

In this way, the Solidarity Income deposit changes between 400,000 and 520,000 Colombian pesos, depending on the group in which you are located within the Sisbén payroll. Likewise, it is convenient to make it clear that bimonthly the amount may vary depending on the measures adopted by the Government of Colombia.

Solidarity Income: what requirements do you need this 2022?

Colombians need to know this information, as it is extremely important in terms of paying the Solidarity Income. First of all, they must meet a very simple requirement, which is to be part of the Identification System for Potential Beneficiaries of Social Programs in Colombia.

Finally, to be part of the Solidarity Income the citizen must not be part of another subsidy in the country, such as Families in Action, Colombia Mayor, Jovenes en Acción or VAT Refund.

If you meet all the requirements, you can find out your score by following these steps:



Social Prosperity continues to make subsidy payments in Colombia.  (Video: Social Prosperity)
Social Prosperity continues to make subsidy payments in Colombia. (Video: Social Prosperity)



One Response

  1. Gracias a los países aliados con Nuestro país Colombia ,muchas de las personas que vivimos en la pobreza extrema muchos de ellos podremos salir adelante con un mejor futuro .De todo corazón le agradezco al gobierno no de ahora en adelante no nos acostaremos con hambre. soy un hombre de la tercera edad y tengo 74 años y con todo respeto le ruego al señor Presidente que a nosotros los viejos no nos dejen para pagarnos de últimos por qué cuando nos llega la plática no solo la debemos toda sino que lla no tenemos para comer

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