Which specialties have increased the most since 2015?

Applicants to the MIR 2022.

The offer of Ministry of Health for access to Specialized Health Training (FSE) reaches a new record with the call for 11,171 beds, of which 8,550 are aimed at doctors. This figure represents a quota increase of 52.2 percent since 2015, when a total of 7,328 vacancies were made available to MIR applicants. All medical specialties have benefited from this progressive increase in places, being Work Medicine which has experienced a greater percentage increase in supply in the last eight years.

Specifically, according to the data compiled by the Granada Medical Union, it has increased by one 157.78 percent the quota of this medical area. Since 2015, when 45 places were offered, the number of vacancies has increased to 116 called for the MIR 2023which is a total of 71 more.

The second medical specialty that has grown in recent years has been Clinical Neurophysiology, which has experienced an acceleration of 119.23 percent. This area has added 31 places, going from the 26 offered in the 2015 call to 57 for this year.

The podium of specialties that have increased the quota the most closes it Geriatricswith a growth of 98.18 percent. According to the figures, in 2015, the offer did stand at 55 places compared to the 109 made available for applicants to the MIR 2023, which translates into 54 more vacancies in eight years.

Largest increase in MIR places since 2015

However, since the 2014-2015 call, the largest increase in absolute numbers corresponds to Family medicine. This medical specialty, the most damaged in the last MIR call following having closed the process with 93 empty placeshas added 801 seats.

Family and Community is followed by Internal Medicinewhich has increased its quota by 119 seats; Pediatrics with 109; Y Anesthesiologywhich increases its seats by 98.

According to the current MIR call published in the Official State Gazette (BOE), Family medicine, Thoracic Surgery, Nuclear medicine y Neurology These are the areas that have registered the greatest increase in places compared to the previous year. As reported by Medical Writing, the exam will be held on January 21

Which region registers a greater increase in MIR vacancies?

As for regions, the autonomous community that has notified a further increase in the number of seats es Andalusia, with 217 more than in the last call. This is followed Cataloniacon 154; Galicia, with 129; Y Castile and Leoncon 104.

On the contrary, The Rioja y cantabria occupy the last positions since they have only increased a total of 4 seats, followed by Navarra, with 7 more places; the State Administration, with 8; Y Asturias con 9.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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