How are chronic wounds treated? to not spread and disappear

Wounds are not just one type.

If the wound is classified according to “The nature of the injury” can be divided into
· closed injuries or an injury that does not show a fissure on the skin But there may be tissue tearing. or capillaries under the skin Usually occurs from being hit with something that is not sharp. This will cause swelling, blotches, dark spots on the skin. Or as we used to know that “bruises” include wounds that cause blood clots in internal organs such as muscles, bones and joints.
· open injuries Most of these wounds will have a tear of the skin. and bleeding such as sharp cuts, abrasions, as well as burns, scalds

The stage of the wound and the treatment

in wound healing Usually divided according to the stage of the wound into 2 types:
· Acute wound: It is a fresh wound, a new wound that has just occurred. Most of them will heal in 4 weeks.
· Chronic wound: A wound that takes longer to heal than a normal wound It will be in the stage of inflammation for more than 4-6 weeks onwards.

Who is prone to chronic wounds?

Everyone has a chance of getting chronic wounds. If the wound has not been treated properly It may cause necrosis. or infection at the wound site due to improper use of dressings Whether it’s wet or dry, the wound has been exposed to too much water. or too open to the environment which chronic wounds are likely to occur in

· People with congenital diseases that affect wound healing such as diseases of the blood circulation Arterial disease, venous disease, heart disease, cirrhosis, kidney failure, etc.
· People with congenital diseases that result in poor blood quality such as diabetes with improper control of sugar levels causing poor healing and recovery of wounds have malnutrition or anemia, etc.
· People with surrounding tissue not suitable for wound healing such as a wound on the skin that has been treated with radiation ever received chemotherapy or steroid immunosuppressants This makes the wound in that area more difficult to heal than usual.

How dangerous is it? If there is a chronic wound and not taken care of properly

If not taken care of properly, the wound will not heal. The wound will not be able to continue the wound healing process. It will remain inflamed, infected until it may spread more widely and even require more necrosis. Takes longer to heal If left unattended, it may even lead to amputation. or so severe that an infection can enter the bloodstream and eventually die

Article by : Dr. Benjaporn Nanthasanti, a surgeon specializing in laparoscopic surgery Phyathai 3 Hospital

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