23 people with type 2 diabetes dared to go on a special kind of “adventure hiking trip”. They walked the Camino Inglés, a pilgrimage route known as the “English Way” and part of the “Way of St. James”. It runs from Ferrol in northern Spain to Santiago de Compostela, the total distance is 120 km. For the participants, the focus of the trip was the combination of diabetes training, individual advice, practical exercise and social exchange.
Reflection on the body and dealing with diabetes
There is no such thing as a vacation from diabetes. As a result, people with type 2 diabetes need to plan and pack more than people without diabetes. The question remains as to how your own body reacts to the unusual load. Regular blood sugar measurements and adjustment of medication are therefore a must.
The participants were accompanied by a team of experts led by diabetologist Dr. Hans Peter Kempe. With the advice of the group, the experienced diabetologists and diabetes consultants on site, the destination of the pilgrimage, Santiago de Compostela, was safely reached by everyone.
You can find out how an active holiday affects diabetes and what it means for the participants from diabetologist Dr. Hans-Peter Kempe in various videos.
The start – the way – the goal
Obesity & diabetes – exercise as the “polypill of the 21st century” 1,000 more steps per day: Doesn’t sound like much at first, but according to Prof. Schwarz, it might be twice as effective as 1,000 mg of metformin for people with type 2 diabetes. You can find out what other advantages regular exercise offers, how people with diabetes tick and what potential there is in digital health applications in the other short videos this post. |
Undiscovered risk: fatty liver in type 2 diabetes 60-70% of people with type 2 diabetes also suffer from fatty liver: a hidden risk, since there are usually no symptoms, but possible late effects can be very dangerous. In the interview, Prof. Meier explains the causes, diagnosis and course of the disease and gives an outlook on the treatment options available. Read more here. |
Well informed with Lilly – new platform for patients Even following the informational talk, people with diabetes often still have all sorts of questions regarding their prescribed medication. Lilly’s new service platform is intended to help you and patients to quickly and easily access relevant information regarding their antidiabetic medication or their pen and their illness. Here you can find out everything you need to know regarding the platform. |
Image source: iStock/Halfpoint