Neither man nor woman, quite the contrary

The upcoming Canadian Screen Awards, the event that celebrates the best in Canadian film and television, will be gender neutral.

Instead of giving prizes for the best female role and the best male role, we will just give a prize for the best role.

Why? Because we are in 2022. And in 2022, it is very ugly, in progressive circles, to speak of “men” and “women”. But I already predict that instead of solving problems, this initiative will on the contrary create new ones. Wokes are never happy and we are never woke enough in their eyes.


The director of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television (which organizes the gala) said the move was to “better support potential contestants who are non-binary and/or do not identify with one gender” .

We got there. Just saying the words “masculine” and “feminine” is considered retrograde, intolerant, and equated with a lack of openness.

If you’re non-binary, you don’t identify with any gender. So you don’t know if you should register as best male role or best female role.

But if you are transgender, it seems to me on the contrary that you want to fit into the category of the gender to which you have transitioned! For example, Elliott Page, the transgender male comedian, he wouldn’t want to register in the category “best male role”? It seems to me that this would be the consecration of his transition.

We would have to decide: do we encourage individuals who make a transition from one gender to another or do we completely eliminate notions of gender?

The gender-neutral gala announcement had barely been released before it was contested. Jo Vannicola, who once won a Gemini for Best Actress, is now non-binary. This person is at the head of the LGBT committee of Actra and told the media that categories should not be removed, on the contrary they should be added! A best transgender actress category, for example, and a transgender woman might fit into both the “best female role” and “best transgender role” categories.

In short, by wanting to be “inclusive”, the Academy is already being criticized… for not being inclusive enough!

At the next gala, the first time we’re going to give out a non-gendered prize, if it’s a man who wins, will the women cry out once morest sexism? Should we ensure that prizes are awarded only to women to compensate for all the discrimination women have suffered? If the award goes to a heterosexual woman, will bisexual non-binary people cry ‘heteronormativity’?


I have an idea. To avoid chicanery in the cabin, let’s make sure that from now on all galas (music, cinema, TV, etc.) simply honor “divids”, an expression borrowed from Claude Poirier. A “divid” is an unidentified human being, a breathing patent. “Dividu” is neutral, it has no face, no race.

Now, the big question: do we say a dividu or a dividu?

Above all, we should not misgender the dividus.



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