Telescope reveals new details of the Tarantula Nebula

The images sent by James Webb follow one another and it is difficult to get tired of them as they are magnificent. The telescope spatial on Tuesday unveiled pictures of the Tarantula Nebula, a region of the cosmos where stars born at a frantic pace, which will allow to deepen the scientific knowledge on the stellar formation.

Nicknamed so because of the shape of its clouds of gas and dust, this nebula is located at 161,000 light years “only”, explains the Nasa. It is the largest and brightest star-forming region of the entire group of galaxies near ours, and is home to the hottest and most massive stars known.

stars unveiled

Although this nebula has therefore long been a target of choice for scientists studying the process of star formation, these images reveal new details, including thousands of young stars hitherto invisible to the eyes of previous telescopes. Several scientific instruments on board James Webb were used to capture images of the nebula at different wavelengths.

In the center of the image taken by the NIRCam instrument, which operates in the near infrared, is a cluster of very bright young blue stars. Another instrument, NIRSpec, allowed him to distinguish a star just emerging from its pillar of dust, while maintaining a cloud around it – a stage in its formation that might not have been observed without the incredible abilities of James Webb. Researchers previously thought that this star was actually older, and at a more advanced stage.

Back to a “young” cosmos

“The star-forming regions within our Milky Way aren’t producing stars at the same breakneck pace as the Tarantula Nebula, and have different chemical compositions,” NASA said. Its own chemical composition is therefore of great interest to researchers, because it is similar to regions where stars formed when the cosmos was only a few billion years old, when star creation was the most important.

Launched into space last December and fully operational for only a few months, the James Webb Telescope conducts its observations 1.5 million kilometers from Earth. According to the US space agency, this piece of engineering “just begins to rewrite the history of stellar creation”.



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