Learn which foods contribute to healthy bones

To maintain good overall health, eating healthy foods is key. In the case of bone health, it is important to have a diet that manages to prevent the development of diseases such as osteoporosis, which weakens the skeleton and puts the person’s life at risk.

Bones are important for the movement of the human body, they provide support and allow mobility, they protect the brain, heart and other organs from injury.

In addition, they store minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which are released to other organs when they need them, according to the United States Health Institution (NIH).

On diet, NIH points out that eating too little calcium increases the risk of osteoporosis. Consult a nutritionist to receive adequate professional advice, it is important to diagnose the nutritional needs of each person.

According to international specialized media, osteoporosis depends on the amount of bone density that the person reaches by the time he turns 30 and how quickly he loses it. The higher the bone density, the more bone tissue in reserve and the less likely it is to suffer from osteoporosis in old age.

Some of the foods that can be included in the daily diet to take care of the bone system are the following:

  • Tofu (fortified with calcium)
  • Soy milk (fortified with calcium)
  • Leafy green vegetables (for example, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, kale)
  • Cabbage or Chinese cabbage
  • Beans or legumes
  • Tortillas
  • Sardines or salmon with edible bones
  • Shrimp
  • Orange juice (fortified with calcium)
  • Pizza
  • Pan
  • Walnuts or almonds
  • Milk products (milk, cheese, yogurt).

Physical activity

Physical exercise is key to maintaining healthy bones. In addition to having benefits for physical health, it also contributes to mental health, and reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Children and adolescents ages 6 to 17 need at least one hour (60 minutes) or more of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity every day.

They also need to participate in aerobic and muscle- and bone-strengthening activities, recommends the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Likewise, by exercising regularly, people also contribute to the health of the joints, preventing conditions such as arthritis.

“Getting enough physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to prevent or delay joint problems. This strengthens the muscles around the joints and helps them work better,” says Medline Plus, the US National Library of Medicine website.


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