The story of the owner of the supremacist cultural center who wanted to kill Cristina Kirchner | A garage decorated with Milei’s face

When in the early hours of Monday a squad at the request of the Federal Police Counterterrorism Directorate broke down the door of the so-called “Kyle Rittenhouse Cultural Center” and stopped Jose Derman, The news took by surprise only those who were unaware of the existence of this dark subject, known in La Plata and surroundings for a string of facts which are only now being watched with alarm. Derman had celebrated the attack on Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and even stated that he would encourage himself to do something similar. Among the items seized during the raid was an 83-millimeter mortar shell which was detonated hours later.

Various acts of harassment and threats against women are mixed in Derman’s curriculum (including complaints that, until now, the Judiciary has never advanced), vandalization of different premises in the Buenos Aires capital and an escalation of advance payments on acts of political violence. like the ones he did Saturdaywhen in the social network of his space he assured that he himself would be encouraged to “perpetrate an attack” against Cristina Fernández.

Don’t even doubt that he replied when asked publicly if he would.

And followed:

This is a war and get ready you to cry in the drawer of many of your kumpas, bolche sorete –he said to another.

He decorated the bar with paintings by Bolsonaro, Trump, Seineldin, Iorio and Malevo Ferreyra.

His life and work is typical of a science fiction book, a Kafkaesque story that was even taken with grace by those who could not believe what this 39-year-old man from La Plata published on his social networks: in garage of what used to be his family home on Calle 5 between 64 and 65 he decided meeting a space that, formally, did not generate any action other than the videos that Derman and his eventual henchmen filmed. Some openings loaded with hate, intolerance, denial and the idea that Marxism threatens from every corner.

Perhaps it was the lack of attention to these proclamations that never motivated any police action: only Jose Derman and Sebastian Pochanother strange subject who claimed to have Spanish origin and force that accentalthough in truth he is Argentine born in the western area of ​​the Buenos Aires suburbs. Both had been expelled from Fuerza Unidaria (another marginal nucleus of the extreme right) for various behaviors, including having manipulated money that they had been given to administer. Together they then reorganized from La Plata, where they proudly announced that they were going to erect “the first cultural space of the extreme right in this city and in all of Argentina”.

Al Kyle Rittenhouse (opened last year at “tribute” to the white supremacist who in 2020 murdered two people demonstrating against police repression in the United States) decorated it inside with paintings and drawings of the faces of Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Javier Milei and Mohamed Ali Seineldin, but also of Ricardo Iorio, Novak Djokovic and the Tucuman Mario Malevo Ferreyra. The only sanction that the space and its two participants had received until then was a municipal violation for selling coffee from an electric kettle on a table located on the sidewalk. Nobody seemed to pay much attention to the dangerous potential of this nucleus of the extreme right.

However, it is not the first time that Derman must appear before the Justice: in 2020 he received several complaints from women who accused him of sending them photos of their private parts without their consent, in addition to intimidating and threatening messages. “Because of femibolches Like you, it is that I can no longer have sexual relations with anyone ”, guessed Derman, who gloried in what he was doing, to the point that he himself made these actions public.

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The case did not advance anywhere and last May he was dismissed by a Buenos Aires court that declared him incompetent. The argument was that he suffered from a disorder “paranoid delusional”, according to a psychological and psychiatric expertise. Meanwhile, José Derman was able to move on with his life, which precisely allowed him to set up this extreme right-wing focus in the garage on Calle 5 between 64 and 65. From there, Derman and Poch made fiery harangues in favor of intolerance and denialism. As they never achieved more adhesion than that of some eventual curious, they themselves were in charge of carrying out public actions to attract attention. Among them stand out acts of vandalism in local parties of the Left Front, ATE and murals of human rights organizations. Several human rights organizations had publicly called for a rapid intervention for these episodes, although they never suffered any sanctions.

After all those attacks, the Kyle Rittenhouse was visited by two political operators from Patricia Bullrich. It was at the end of June, when the hate speech and violence were accelerating faster and faster. Derman and Poch also tried to achieve the same thing with Javier Miley and its space, from which a possibility was evaluated of which the now deputy it took off with a post on your Twitter account.

The mortar found by the Police.

“They did not form an organized group or a nucleus of political parties. They are short-minded, incapable of putting together absolutely nothing. In any case, that does not take away their danger: they are guys who they are very sick in the head and several in La Plata were afraid of them because they thought they were armed. And they, since they have nothing to lose, can dare to do anything. This had to happen, the threat, for them to take action”, he tells Page 12 someone who closely followed the operation of this cell.

The question, in effect, is what will be the judicial drift of this fact, taking into account that Derman had already managed to avoid another complaint due to his psychiatric profile. The attempted attack on Vice President Cristina Kirchner showed that too many lights are not needed to commit such an act. And the guys from the Kyle Rittenhouse already racked up too many episodes like ignoring its dangerousness.

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