Ukraine’s Zaporiza nuclear power plant cuts power due to bombardment and fire

Ukraine’s Zaporiza Nuclear Power Plant | AP Yonhap News

The last nuclear reactor in operation at Ukraine’s Zaporiza nuclear power plant has again been cut off from the grid, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and others announced on the 5th (local time).

According to foreign media such as AFP, Ukrainian nuclear power company Energoatom, the operator of the Zaporiza nuclear power plant, said in a statement on the same day that “Reactor 6 was disconnected and cut off from the Ukrainian power grid.” The IAEA also said in a statement that “Ukrainian authorities have informed us that the power line will be cut off to extinguish the fire.” “The power line itself was not damaged. “Once the fire is extinguished, the reactor’s power grid connection will be restored,” the Ukrainian said.

Unit 6 is the last operating nuclear power plant among the six units in the Japorija nuclear power plant complex. After Russia invaded Ukraine, Energoatom has been shutting down its reactor operations due to the risk of accidents and other reasons. On the 3rd, nuclear reactor unit 5 was cut off from the power grid.

The AP reported that Reactor Unit 6, which was cut off from the power grid, is currently producing only essential power to secure the safety of the power plant itself and maintain its functions. A nuclear energy expert pointed out, “The nuclear reactor in question appears to be operating in an ‘island mode’ that produces only the power it needs.

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Accordingly, there are even concerns that ‘reactor core melting (meltdown)’, the highest level of nuclear power plant accidents, may occur if power supply is not properly performed. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky criticized Russia for saying that the Zaporiza nuclear power plant has been pushed “a step ahead” in a radiation disaster.

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