“At first, just fatigue, and then the kidneys failed”: how lupus begins – a disease that breaks life


“At the age of 20, I was badly burned in the sun. About a month following that, I felt unwell – my temperature suddenly rose. The ambulance doctor suspected poisoning and prescribed treatment, but it did not help. After two weeks, the temperature subsided. It seemed that I recovered, but there was a strong weakness, I lost weight, my appetite disappeared, my nervousness increased and my hair began to fall out.

Within a month, the weight dropped by more than 10 kg, but I did not pay attention to it – at that time I was studying at the institute, it was not at all up to health. The next time, lupus made itself felt a year later. It seemed to me that I put on weight, but in fact it was a strong edema. I tried to get rid of the hated kilograms, but to no avail. And then, when it was already difficult for me to put on shoes, it became clear that problems with the kidneys had begun. […] Very soon I was hospitalized in a serious condition.

I was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus quickly by specific changes in immunological parameters of blood tests. And then began a long and painful stage of treatment. There were many difficulties, but we overcame them all.

Remission came two years later. I felt good and decided to reduce the dose of the hormonal drug on my own. Doctors warned that this should not be done, but I did not listen. There was an exacerbation, I once more lost weight and ended up in the hospital for a long time. This taught me to always follow the doctor’s recommendations. […]

Now I have returned to my usual way of life, the disease has become a part of me, but I do not feel any restrictions. I gave birth to three children. I am traveling. I flew in a balloon – the disease does not affect me in any way.



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