1 in 3 people have fatty liver!Dietitian teaches 6 strokes to reverse – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network

A nutritionist pointed out that before fatty liver has reached cirrhosis, it can be avoided by “avoiding alcoholism”, “reducing high-fat foods”, “controlling sugar intake”, “controlling fruit intake”, “regular exercise”, “obesity”. should lose weight” to reverse fatty liver; picture is a situational photo. (Picture taken from pexels)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]With the diet too high in oil, sugar and refined, nutritionist Chen Yiting posted on Facebook fan page “Chen Yiting Cynthia Nutritionist“andpersonal webpageIt is pointed out that 1 in 3 people in Taiwan has fatty liver. If fatty liver continues to deteriorate, it will turn into hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. Before fatty liver has entered cirrhosis, it can be avoided by drinking alcohol and reducing high-fat foods. , Control sugar intake, control fruit intake, exercise regularly and lose weight in obese people to reverse fatty liver.

Chen Yiting explained that fatty liver is divided into alcoholic fatty liver: caused by excessive drinking, it is recommended to quit drinking; non-alcoholic fatty liver: possible causes include obesity, metabolic syndrome, high-fat and high-sugar diet, lack of exercise, etc., you can use the following 6 tricks to reverse fatty liver.

Please read on…

avoid alcoholism

Control your alcohol intake and stop drinking!

Reduce high-fat foods

Reduce the intake of fried foods and processed meats, and replace fatty meat with lean meat.

Control sugar intake

Chen Yiting pointed out that too much sugar will be converted into triglycerides and stored in the body. You can reduce refined starch, replace rice, white noodles, and white toast with whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat noodles, etc.), or reduce refined sugar, replace sugar-sweetened beverages with sugar-free tea, and control the intake of sweets.

Control your fruit intake

Chen Yiting said that too much fructose will accumulate in the liver, causing fatty liver! The recommended amount of fruit is 2-4 servings per day, 1 serving is the size of a fist.

regular exercise

Exercise 150 minutes per week, divided into 3-5 times.

Obese people should lose weight

It is recommended to lose 5-10% of your current body weight.

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