Stabbing and unease on France 2: the columnist reacts

This Monday, September 5 will certainly not be among the best moments of Alexandra Pizzagalli’s career.

It all starts when the latter presents her first column for Télématin. His teleprompter first breaks down and, visibly destabilized by this technical problem, the comedian stammers and has difficulty finding his words. Fortunately for her, the device quickly becomes functional once more.

However, his nightmarish beginnings do not end there.

Indeed, Alexandra Pizzagalli had decided to tackle a sensitive subject for her premiere: the attack in Nice, which killed 86 people on July 14, 2016 and whose trial just opened on Monday.

“Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, no pronunciation effort on his name. At the same time, had he made any to respect the highway code? I don’t think so,” she starts. “I’m here to try to defend him,” announces the comedian, who then paints a portrait of the terrorist:

“Lover of salsa and bodybuilding, forgive me, but he looks a lot like my ideal man, it seems that we are on the portrait of a Ricky Martin from the Côte d’Azur, we validate”, jokes. “He was also an extremely violent, sex-obsessed and zoophilic husband. Extremely violent husband: Maybe she was looking for him? By missing a cooking or, worse, by giving his opinion. Sex obsessed, each his hobbies. There are many who watch Télématin. Zoophile, at the same time in Nice, there are only old women and chihuahuas. We have the right to want to send someone who has teeth”, she stings. And to continue: “A great admirer of Osama bin Laden and Salah Abdeslam who are to terrorism what Nadal and Federer are in tennis.”

Faced with this embarrassing sequence, France 2 made the strong decision to interrupt it and launch , even before she might finish her column.

Back on the air, Alexandra Pizzagalli said: “I will conclude this first column, on a more first-degree tone, by addressing the victims, their families, we are with you body and soul. You deserve to be heard.”

“Zero censorship” according to the comedian who makes a point

So, was Alexandra Pizzagali censored by France 2? In a message posted on his Instagram account, the comedian wanted to make a big point. “Ok, we had a good laugh but Everything is going well. First direct, teleprompter problem, caught off guard, prostration, which caused the delay. Et advertisements being scheduled to the minute, they were sent before I might finish my column. So I did it right following“. And to continue by specifying that it was not cut by France Télévisions. Quite the contrary. “Zero censorshipthe Télématin teams at the top of kindness, she confided on the social network.Can’t wait for the second, and unless a project falls on my face next week, a priori it might only be better. Thanks for the support, you are brothers“.



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