Mineral water could soon become a luxury item

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An important ingredient for the production of drinks is now out of stock. This might ensure that mineral water and Co. will soon be a luxury.

The drink prices are rising and at the same time the next bad news is already coming. Ingredients for making drinks are becoming scarce.

Major delivery problems with ingredients

There is currently a shortage of numerous ingredients required for the production of food. Delivery problems and the associated bottlenecks in production mean that the shelves are empty. In addition, the prices in the shops continue to rise.

Beverage manufacturers now face a major challenge. They are confronted with the situation that some important ingredients are no longer available. This even applies to the production and bottling of mineral water.

Drinks soon pure luxury?

When shopping, many consumers can no longer believe their eyes because prices have risen enormously. Now this increase also applies to beverages such as cola, beer and water. These might soon be so expensive that only a few can afford them.

Drinks are becoming rare

The mineral water industry might be hit particularly hard. Lemonade manufacturers also share the problem, because the amount of CO₂ required for production is currently not sufficient.

The carbonic acid in drinks, which is perceived as so sparkling, is caused by the fact that CO₂ is added. In the production of sparkling wine and beer, one cannot do without this additive. In this respect, these classic drinks might develop into real luxury items if no solution is found with regard to CO₂.



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