Canadian police hunt criminals who targeted 25 people with knife

On Sunday, Canadian police announced that 10 people were killed and 15 others injured, in knife attacks in the isolated province of Saskatchewan, to the west of Canada, warning that those involved in the events are still on the run.

“We have identified 10 deaths at 13 locations in the James Smith Cree Nation and Weldon areas of Saskatchewan,” Rhonda Blackmore, Assistant Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, told a news conference. She added that “a number of other victims were wounded, including 15 who have so far been transferred to different hospitals.”
The police said in a statement, that the bloody attacks were indiscriminate, noting that there may be more wounded who fell in the 13 accident sites. Police indicated that the two suspects, Damian and Miles Sanderson, were armed and dangerous, and that they were still on the run following changing the vehicle they used in the incident.



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