“He mistreated me for anything”: Leo Rey revealed details of his harsh childhood in La Divina Comida

This Saturday a new chapter of The Divine Foodwhich featured Raquel Argandoña, Leo Rey, Geraldine Neary and Patricio Sotomayor as guests on the cooking show.

The diners then opened the doors of their houses and talked about different topics from their personal and professional lives.

The singer Leo Rey surprised by revealing details of the harsh childhood he lived and the mistreatment he suffered at the hands of his father that led him to leave home at the age of 14.

“My mom gave me my dad when I was a year old and he played the role of mom and dad. So my dad had an anger towards me, he mistreated me for anything, he hit me, “the artist began by telling.

Along the same lines, he added that “he did not celebrate Christmas, birthdays, anything, he was a super bad father in the sense of affection.”

Likewise, Leo said that his father had an amusement park, one of those that are placed on the beaches. “All rudimentary, little pedal cars, target shooting, but as well as being poor, they called him ‘burrilandia’ because he was very poor,” he explained.

“I grew up in that world, selling chips, attracting the public to be able to win some lucas. He never sent me to college,” she revealed.

“You will never hit me again”

Leo explained that then he learned to read in a self-taught way thanks to the taca-tacas because he had to ask for permission.

“Once I was 14 years old and he went to hit me, he hit me hard, and I felt much bigger and with the power to defend myself in some way and I told him ‘you are not going to hit me anymore, such an old man. which’ and I left with what I was wearing”, he confessed, surprising his companions on the program.

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The singer then revealed that at that time he slept on the buses from La Calera to Valparaíso. Everything changed when he discovered the musician and began to sing in bars with a guitar.

“My dad wouldn’t let me do that, he told me that I couldn’t dedicate myself to music, because I had to follow his legacy, which was business. So going out on the street was for me like discovering, there were the opportunities, ”said the singer.

Finally, he concluded that “I never wanted to be a flaite, I always wanted to speak well, even if I didn’t have studies but it didn’t seem like I didn’t.”

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