Lebanese actor Wissam Sabbagh shared with his followers on Twitter a funny video clip he collected with comedian George Khabbaz.
Wissam and George appeared in one of the streets of Batroun, where Wissam sat behind George on a motorcycle, and the latter drove it through the city’s streets.
Wissam said in the video: “Kazdoura in the sweet streets of Batroun with the great George Khabbaz,” to which George replied, “My love, Sabbagh, enlightened Batroun.”
Wissam accompanied the publication with a comment that read: “The charming Batroun tour with my creative friend, George Khabbaz.”
The charming Batroun tour with my creative friend Georges Khabbaz #Lebanon #batroun @georgeskhabbaz pic.twitter.com/2PbLMwqP9M
— Wissam Sabbagh (@Wissam_Sabbagh) September 2, 2022