Princess Diana, Mother Teresa, Viktor Frankl and Pope John Paul I. | SUN | 04 09 2022 | 7:05

1. Smiling into the Day – Thoughts by Albino Luciani aka John Paul I

In Italy he is remembered as “Il Papa del sorriso” (“Pope of the Smile”) and “Il sorriso di Dio” (“The Smile of God”): the 33-day Pope John Paul I, who from 1912 -1978 will be beatified by Pope Francis on September 4, 2022 in St. Peter’s Square. Quotations from the book “A smile for every day” (Tyrolia) with sayings by Albino Luciani / John Paul I accompany this issue of “Lebenskunst”.

2. Princess Diana and Mother Teresa – Conversation at Heaven’s Door

They knew each other personally, seemed fond of one another. One in a white sari with blue stripes, small, bent over, with a lined face. The other, tall, slim, in a chic suit, with perfect hair and make-up. Mother Teresa and Princess Diana, the “Angel of the Poor” and the “Queen of Hearts”. Two extraordinary women – 25 years ago they died just a few days in a row. Diana on August 31, she was 36 – and Mother Teresa on September 5, she was 87. Hubert Gaisbauer recalls two fragile but strong personalities and describes their meeting in front of heaven’s door in a mind game.

3. Viktor Frankl and the one humanity – “In every moment you shape yourself and the world

This is the subtitle of the exhibition area opened this year in the Viktor Frankl Center in Vienna – on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the death of the neurologist, psychiatrist and founder of logotherapy and existential analysis. He called the “knowledge of the unity of mankind” “monanthropism”, meaning a “unity that goes beyond all diversity”: Man as a social, spiritual being lives in relationships and not only shapes himself through his attitude and actions , but also his surroundings, his surroundings. According to Frankl, one of the crucial questions is: “How can I now make the world a little bit brighter?” Even 25 years following his death, in a time marked by pandemic and war, the lifelong religious Jew and survivor of several concentration camps has a lot to counter negative forces. Daniela Philipp, director of the Viktor Frankl Center in Vienna, guided Maria Harmer through the expanded museum.

4. Fragments of Faith and Breaks in Life – The writer Ronya Othmann on her Yazidi origin

The inhuman crimes of the world and pure happiness; the strangeness of one’s own life and the never-ending homesickness come together in everything “that you know when you close your eyes,” says Ronya Othmann’s volume of poetry “the crimes”. The young German writer, of Yazidi origin on her father’s side, writes texts once morest war and persecution. This applies strongly to the genocide of the Yazidi Kurds, but also to the war once morest Ukraine. Ronya Othmann, who lives in Leipzig, went to the Syrian-Turkish border area and the Kurdish autonomous region in Iraq for her research – in search of Yazidi culture and spirituality. Wolfgang Popp spoke to the 29-year-old.

5. Fallen from the previous life – Bible Essay on Acts 9, 1-12, 17-20

A conversion, a turning point in life, does not always have to be as dramatic as that of Paul from Tarsus. But sometimes it takes a shock, an “intermediate case” to realize that you’re on the wrong track. This is how the theologian and evangelical pastor at the Lutheran City Church in Vienna, Julia Schnizlein, understands the passage of the Bible that tells of the conversion of Paul from Tarsus. The former persecutor of Christians fell from his horse and was struck blind until “scales fell from his eyes”. This passage can be heard in Protestant services on September 4th.


Viktor Frankl Center Vienna
Bible essay on Acts 9:1-12, 17-20




Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756 – 1791
Titel: Mass in Honor of the Most Holy Trinity in C Major KV 167 – for Chor, Orchester und Orgel
* 2. Gloria (00:04:17)
Choir: Arnold Schoenberg
Choir: Choir
Choir rehearsal: Erwin Ortner
Orchestra: Concentus musicus Wien
Director: Nikolaus Harnoncourt
Length: 04:17 min
Label: Teldec 3984235702

Composer: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1809 – 1847
Template: Bible OT and NT
Overall title: PAULUS, op.36 – oratorio in 2 parts for soloists, choir and orchestra / complete recording / 1st part
Title: 13. And when he was on his way / No.13 rec. tenor and bass; Chorus (00:02:03)
1st part (01:07:40)
Soloist: Rachel Yakar
Solist/Solistin: Brigitte Balleys
Soloist: Markus Schäffer
Soloist: Thomas Hampson
Soloist: Inger Marie Thomson
Solist/Solistin: Alexandre Rabinovitch
Chor: Gulbenkian Chor Lissabon
Orchestra: Gulbenkian Orchestra Lisbon
Direction: Michel Corboz
Length: 02:03 min
Label: Erato 2292452792

Composer: Elton John born 1947
Lyricist, text source: Bernie Taupin b.1950
Titel: Candle in the wind 1997
Solist/Solistin: Elton John
Length: 04:10 min
Label: Rocket/Mercury 5681092

Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach 1685 – 1750
* 10. Who are you ? ask your conscience / aria bass (00:03:00)
Title: PREPARE THE WAY, PREPARE THE RAIL (CONCERTO) BWV 132 – Cantata on the 4th Advent ( Dominica 4 Adventus Christi)
Soloist: Barbara Schlick
Soloist: Kai Wessel
Soloist: Christoph Pregardien
Soloist: Klaus Mertens
Chor: The Amsterdam Baroque Choir
Choir rehearsal: Simon Schouten
Orchester: The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Direction: Ton Koopman
Length: 03:00 min
Label: Erato 0630125982 (3 CD)

Composer/Componistin: Renaud García-Fons
Titel: Kurdish mood/instr./live
Soloist: Renaud García-Fons
Length: 01:00 min
Label: Enja Records ENJ95812

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