Mistakes we make after brushing our teeth.. know them

A dental expert has highlighted a common mistake that almost everyone makes following brushing teeth that does not help in maintaining oral health.

Adviser to the American Dental Association and professor at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Dentistry, Dr. Edmund Hewlett, says that you should not rinse the mouth with water following brushing, because toothpaste contains fluoride, an important component that helps make the enamel more solid and more resistant. Acids that cause tooth decay.

Dr. Hewlett urged people to check that toothpaste contains fluoride in order to reap the best benefits, CNET reports.

The dental professor adds that delaying the rinsing means that you leave the fluoride from the toothpaste in your mouth for longer, which contributes to a better effect from the fluoride and will contribute to a healthier batch from the diffuser.

Dr. Hewlett also advises waiting at least 15 minutes following brushing to drink any fluids, and the expert says, “You don’t have to worry if you’re thinking regarding the strong taste of toothpaste left in your mouth due to lack of rinsing, if you are now wondering whether you brush your teeth more often. wrong all your life, don’t panic.”

The dentist stresses that as long as you brush with a standard twice daily for at least two minutes, the fluoride will stay in your mouth to help protect your teeth, and Dr. Hewlett believes the idea of ​​not rinsing is just an extra step to help the fluoride be more effective.

Your dental health will play an important role in effectiveness, says Dr. Hewlett. “If you don’t usually have tooth decay, you should continue to use a fluoride toothpaste,” he says.

“While the food and drink you eat can stain your teeth, the way you brush can make a difference,” said cosmetic dentist and Real Housewives of Cheshire star Dr Hannah Kinsella.

She added: “Instead of brushing teeth vigorously with a hard fist, which can be a natural response, try to hold your toothbrush at the end and use the handle as if you were holding a pen.

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