Iraq.. Al-Sadr’s movement responds to the “framework’s” adherence to “Al-Sudani”

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Attitudes are likely to escalate between The Sadrist Movement and the Coordinating Framework Again, following an announcement "the frame"On Saturday, he stuck to Al-Sudani as a candidate for prime minister. At a time when al-Sadr calls for the dissolution of parliament and the holding of early elections.

In the opinion of researchers in the political affairs, the attitudes of “coordinating framework" The tone of victory and defiance is still in it, following al-Sadr withdrew from Parliament and the political process, considering that these positions are a denial of all "tragedies" that occurred during the last three years in the country.

and live IraqA semi-temporary truce between the Sadrist movement and the coordination framework, following the events of August 30, which witnessed an armed confrontation between the Sadrists and factions "the frame" loyal to Iran, and resulted in the killing of more than 30 people, and the injury of hundreds, in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities.

"The militia government is in the news"

Leaders in the Sadrist movement responded to the coordination framework’s adherence to MP Muhammad al-Sudani as a candidate for prime minister, stressing that "The government of militias, parties and quotas in the news was".

And the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-SadrHe rejected the nomination of MP Muhammad al-Sudani for the premiership, and the latter’s refusal comes to his closeness to the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki.

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muhammad al-Aboudi, says: "The dream of the government of militias, parties and quotas was in the news, because the decision from now on is in the hands of the people"emphasizing "The liberation of state institutions from the domination of parties, especially the legislative, executive and judicial institutions".

He continued, in a strongly worded statement: "Their dreams of looting the king of Iraq have been dashed, both for the tails and their masters, they will dream of getting something of the good of Iraq".

"We are the biggest block"

In the context of political criticism of the recent coordination framework decision, framework members considered that Al-Sudani’s candidacy; It is right for them as the largest parliamentary bloc in Parliament.

Haider Al-Barzanji says: "Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr has retired from political life, and the coordination framework, as the largest parliamentary bloc, has the right to nominate whatever he deems appropriate to head the next government."indicating that "The nomination of Deputy Muhammad Al-Sudani for prime minister is a matter of the framework whose forces unanimously agreed on his choice".

Regarding the possibility of provoking the Sadrist movement by re-nominating Al-Sudani, he stressed that "Al-Sadr’s choice to retire from politics gives others the freedom to choose the personalities of the next stage"indicating that "The framework will not prevent the rights of the Sadrist movement if it returns to political action".

Observers: They created the disaster

In parallel, political observers expressed their displeasure with the coordination framework’s insistence on its political positions despite everything that happened in recent days between them and the Sadrist movement, stressing that the framework’s positions are among its opponents. "The tone of victory and challenge".

Aqil Abbas, a researcher and academic, says: "The positions of the coordination framework, where the tone of victory and defiance is still in it, and these positions nullify and deny reality, cancel three years of the life of this country, and the developments, problems and tragedies that occurred in it".

and adds to"Sky News Arabia website"that "Proposing the coordination framework, for his candidate, and for the concept of a national service, is a proposal that belongs to the pre-October 2019 climate, as if we are in a normal context, a normal life, and governments are deliberating in a smooth democratic manner".

He considered that such attitudes "It is an attempt to skip the basic problems associated with people’s distrust of the political system, and its inability to continue in this current situation"indicating that "These are the ones who created the disaster, and dominated over four governments, and most of society does not want consensus, does not want quotas, and does not want even those politicians, who led previous governments that led to the catastrophic way in Iraq, as it is now".


Attitudes are likely to escalate between The Sadrist Movement and the Coordinating Framework Once once more, following the announcement of “The Framework”, on Saturday, its adherence to Al-Sudani as a candidate for prime minister. At a time when al-Sadr calls for the dissolution of parliament and the holding of early elections.

In the opinion of researchers in the political affairs, the attitudes of “coordinating frameworkThe tone of victory and defiance is still in it far from Al-Sadr’s withdrawal from Parliament and the political process, considering that these positions are a denial of all the “tragedies” that occurred during the last three years in the country.

and live IraqA semi-temporary truce between the Sadrist movement and the coordination framework, following the events of August 30, which witnessed an armed confrontation between the Sadrists and the “framework” factions loyal to Iran, and resulted in the killing of more than 30 people and the injury of hundreds, in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities.

“The militia government is in the news.”

Leaders in the Sadrist movement responded to the coordination framework’s adherence to MP Muhammad Al-Sudani as a candidate for prime minister, stressing that “the government of militias, parties and quotas is in the news.”

And the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-SadrHe rejected the nomination of MP Muhammad al-Sudani for the premiership, and the latter’s refusal comes to his closeness to the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki.

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muhammad al-Aboudi, said that “the dream of the government of militias, parties and quotas was in the news, because the decision from now on is in the hands of the people,” stressing that “state institutions are liberated from the domination of parties, especially the legislative, executive and judicial institutions.”

And he continued, saying in a strongly worded statement: “Their dreams of looting the king of Iraq have been dashed, both for the tails and their masters. They will dream of obtaining something from the good of Iraq.”

“We are the biggest block”

In the context of political criticism of the recent coordination framework decision, framework members considered that Al-Sudani’s candidacy; It is right for them as the largest parliamentary bloc in Parliament.

Haider al-Barzanji says, “Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr has retired from political life, and the coordination framework, as the largest parliamentary bloc, has the right to nominate what it deems appropriate to head the next government,” noting that “the nomination of Representative Muhammad al-Sudani for prime minister is a special affair of the framework whose forces unanimously agreed on his choice.”

And regarding the possibility of provoking the Sadrist movement from re-nominating Al-Sudani, he stressed that “Sadr’s choice to retire from political work gives others freedom to choose personalities for the next stage,” noting that “the framework will not prevent the Sadrist movement’s rights if he returns to political work.”

Observers: They created the disaster

In parallel, political observers expressed their dissatisfaction with the coordination framework’s insistence on its political positions despite everything that happened in recent days between them and the Sadrist movement, stressing that the framework’s positions from its opponents have a “tone of victory and defiance.”

Aqil Abbas, a researcher and academic, says that “the positions of the coordination framework still have a tone of victory and defiance, and these positions nullify and deny reality, cancel three years of the life of this country, and the developments, problems and tragedies that occurred in it.”

He added to “Sky News Arabia”, “The proposal for the coordination framework, for his candidate, and for the concept of national service, is a proposal that belongs to the pre-October 2019 climate, as if we are in a normal context, a normal life, and governments are deliberating in a smooth democratic manner.”

He considered that such positions “are an attempt to jump over the basic problems associated with people’s distrust of the political system, and its inability to continue in this current situation,” noting that “these are the ones who created the disaster, and dominated over four governments, and most of society does not want consociationalism, and does not want Quotas, and not even those politicians, who led the previous governments that led to the catastrophic way in Iraq, as it is now.



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