when the vaccineLivson (Livzon) has been released to the public. Will be an alternative to more than 1.4 million Chinese people now have people who have been injected.vaccine90% and almost 60% received the booster vaccine.
most people inChinareceived a lethal vaccineSinovacand Sinofarm, the first of seven vaccines around the world developed once morest COVID-19.
Officials said Livzon vaccine It is a protein vaccine that uses a different technology than Sinovac andSino Farm that has just been authorized to use while another official said The vaccine has not yet been officially announced.
Last February, Livzon Pharma Group stated the vaccine’s efficacy.stimulant needleofLivson following injectioncomplete doseUp to 61.35%, citing preliminary trial data with 10,000 volunteers and 110 without details.