Health: Are dietary supplements really useful?

PostedSeptember 2, 2022, 4:43 p.m.

HealthAre dietary supplements really useful?

Let’s sweep away some received ideas: doctors and nutritionists only recommend food supplements in very specific situations.

Anyone who has a healthy, active lifestyle and a balanced diet does not need to take such supplements.

Pexels/P. Tankinevtich

Vitamins, dietary fibers, trace elements, the market is flooded with dietary supplements. They bring billions to manufacturers. But do they really benefit those who ingest them? Let’s dispel some misconceptions.

Dietary supplements contain high-dose nutrients such as vitamins or minerals that are found naturally in food. They are offered in the form of tablets, capsules or powders in particular. Dietary supplements are not medicines and are therefore available without a prescription.

1. The more supplements the better

FAUX. We tend to take vitamins and minerals every day as a precautionary measure. We say that there is nothing wrong with that. However, an overdose of supplements can be risky. It can cause lasting damage to the body. Unfortunately, the indication of the dosage of the components is often unclear.

2. They are free of unwanted side effects

TRUE AND FALSE. An overdose of vitamin D causes vomiting, diarrhea and headaches. Other overdoses have no immediate repercussions. Even if the manufacturer’s recommendation is followed, you must remember that you also consume vitamins in your diet. It is therefore difficult to find the exact dosage.

3. Everyone needs supplements

FAUX. Doctors and nutritionists only recommend dietary supplements in special situations. Anyone who has a healthy, active lifestyle and a balanced diet does not need to take such supplements. It is advisable to seek medical advice. Supplements are sometimes useful during pregnancy, breastfeeding and when you are sick or following a vegetarian or vegan diet. If in doubt, seek advice from a specialist.

4. All dietary supplements are of excellent quality

FAUX. There are very few obstacles to the approval of a dietary supplement, unlike drugs. This means that dietary supplements do not have to undergo the rigorous testing and quality checks required for drugs. Therefore, one cannot always be sure that all commercially available products are of the same quality.

5. They cover daily needs

TRUE AND FALSE. The supplement industry gives the impression that we have to reach a certain amount per day in order to avoid deficiencies. However, these are average values. There is therefore no problem in not reaching these values ​​for several days. A drunken pizza night has no impact on your health, provided it is exceptional and your diet remains balanced. Especially if you are used to consuming mainly fresh produce.

6. Synthetic supplements are better assimilated than natural ones contained in food

FAUX. In many vegetables there are more than 400 important components for the body. Vitamins are only a small part. Secondary plant substances, fibres, minerals and trace elements are also important for the organism. Many of them cannot be incorporated into dietary supplements. The body needs the other enzymes and nutrients found in whole foods to absorb them properly. When these micronutrients are isolated, they often do not have the same health benefits.



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