Why should we do a “deep squat” at least once a day? | Lifestyle

In March 2020, surprised researchers From the University of Southern California, a tribe of Tanzanian fishermen “do not suffer from any chronic diseases, such as those associated with the Western lifestyle, such as obesity, heart and blood pressure,” although they remain stable for the same period of time that Westerners spend sitting, which is between 9 and 12 hours a day, and that Simply because they “squat, bend over, and have high levels of movement outside of their breaks”.

In May 2021, she was infected with Gaby Rushing (22 years old)Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndromeAnd on August 3, 2022, the audience gathered in a building at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences to follow Rushing as she set a world record for “the longest time sitting in a deep squatting position, for two consecutive hours,” saying that “this position helped her relieve the symptoms of her illness.” Chronic.”

deep squat

In a partial squat, “just bend until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and your knees are bent at regarding a 90-degree angle.” As for a deep squat, in order to achieve it, your hips must be below your knees at an angle greater than 100 degrees, so that one of the studies I adopted the average knee angle in a deep squat with greater than 120 degrees.

Plus, the knee bend in a deep squat is greater, with your hips and ankles bent just enough to keep the center of gravity above your feet. Your torso should also remain straight and stable, especially if you use a resistance weight; To achieve a deep squat position, the back of the thighs touch the back of the calves.

AndRecord This contact “reduces pressure on the knee joint, and reduces the risk of injury in this area”; According to personal trainer and physical therapist Travis Edwards, in an article on Healthline (Healthline). The deep squat can be performed with body weight, or in front with the resistance “dumbbells”, “cattlebell”, or resistance bands, or by loading the “bar” on the shoulders from the front, or back with the bar on the shoulders from the back.

Useful for 4 core muscles

include pose deep squat Strengthen these muscles in the lower body:

  • Hips. The muscles of the buttocks produce a lot of force, to control the descent (hip flexion) and overcome gravity during the ascent (hip extension), to control the movement and reduce the impact on the hamstrings.
  • The knees, where the quadriceps muscles in the front of the thighs control; Bend your knee joints as you descend into a deep squat, then help you straighten your knees as you go up.
  • The ankles are tied one of the studies between the strength of the leg muscles and the ability to perform deep squats; The muscles in the front of your shin help tighten your shin bones, keeping your body still during lowering and lifting.
  • The torso, where the muscles in your back keep your spine straight and stretched to reduce the risk of intervertebral disc injury.

Completely safe position

Despite what was rumored in the past that this position contributes to arthritis, or damage to the tendons and ligaments of the legs; Recent research has not found any relationship between deep squatting and injury to bone tissue, ligaments, or cartilage; but sees Researchers The pressure on the knee in a partial squat may be higher than in a deep squat.

Benefits of deep squatting

Record The deep squat is more effective than the partial squat in building the glutes and inner thigh muscles, in addition to developing strength, and supporting the stability of the lower back and pelvis.

It is also useful for functional movement in many everyday activities, such as getting up from a low chair, picking up a heavy box from the floor, or having to sit on the floor.

also indicate Research You will notice greater increases in muscle strength and size as you perform deep squats with heavier weights.

3 common mistakes

There are mistakes that must be avoided to avoid injury and feeling pain, which are:

  • Elevating your heels, keeping your feet flat on the ground, is one of the most important things to make sure of to ensure your balance, stability, and benefit from the exercise. And if you’re having a hard time with that, you can put a pad under your heel, and reduce any extra weight until your flexibility improves.
  • Vibration of the knees. Weakness in the muscles of the buttocks and the hips causes the knees to swing inward toward each other while going up or down, causing injury; Therefore, deep squats are not recommended for those with knee pain.
  • flexion of the spine, given that the joints of the spine are most vulnerable in a squat, and the lumbar spine must be kept straight, stable and parallel to your shin at all times; To help keep your shoulders straight, and your knees above your toes to maintain balance and reduce the risk of stress on the spine.

Noting that the deep squat requires great movement in many joints, such as the hips, knees and ankles, as well as the lumbar spine; If your range of motion in any of them is limited, it is best to work with a trainer who can help you avoid injury.

Daily session to prevent aging

physical therapist says Bahram Jam “Deep squats are a self-test for how healthy your lower limbs and back are, and to maintain that health I think we should all squat at least once a day, even if it’s for a few seconds.”

According to the Huff Post newspaper,Huffpost“The real sign of aging is the inability to squat or sit on the floor, and get up independently once more,” says the Toronto Athletic Care Clinic.



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