Nidec President Seki announces resignation “To take responsibility for deteriorating performance” | NHK

Nidec Corp., a major electronic component company, has announced that Jun Seki, president of the company, will resign on the 2nd, “to take responsibility for the deterioration of business performance.” Mr. Seki took over as CEO last year, succeeding Chairman Shigenobu Nagamori, but was effectively demoted in April this year.

According to the announcement, “Nidec” held a board meeting on the 2nd and announced that President Jun Seki decided to resign on the 2nd.

At the same time, Vice Chairman Hiroshi Kobe, who was involved in the founding of the company, will be appointed as the successor president.

President Seki was an executive at Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., but following leaving the company, he joined Nidec in January and became president in April.

In June last year, he succeeded the founder, Chairman Nagamori, and assumed the position of CEO = Chief Executive Officer, but in April this year, he handed over the position to Mr. Nagamori, and was effectively demoted. .

The company said that the reason for Mr. Seki’s resignation was “to take responsibility for the deterioration of business performance”, and it seems that the slump in the “vehicle business” that handles motors for EVs = electric vehicles, which Mr. Seki was in charge of, is behind it. increase.

Nidec’s founder Nagamori, who is now 78 years old, continues to take the helm of management, and there is growing interest in how the successor will be selected.

Chairman Nagamori “From now on, we will not suddenly put an outsider at the top.”

Regarding the resignation of President Jun Seki, Nidec Chairman Shigenobu Nagamori held an online press conference on the evening of the 2nd, saying, “From now on, we will not suddenly put an outside person at the top. We will consider a new system within two years. In addition, I am determined to turn it into a splendid company.”



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