Male student ran delivery in summer vacation “Fearless of hot sun and rain”, earning 77,000 yuan after running 3,470 singles | International | CTWANT

The future is limitless! A 19-year-old man in Qihe, Shandong, China, took advantage of the 2-month summer vacation to run delivery, ran 3,470 orders, and made a total of 17,350 yuan (regarding 77,000 New Taiwan dollars), which was used to pay tuition fees, and the rest was As living expenses, my mother felt moved and gratified.

According to “Second News Video”, the man’s mother made a video to record the 19-year-old son’s 2-month summer vacation life. She revealed that her son started to run delivery in July. At first, she thought that the child just wanted to experience life. , ran 1650 orders in a month, each order was 5 yuan.

The man’s mother saw that her son kept getting tanned and forgot to bring a raincoat on a rainy day, which made her feel distressed. Now that 2 months have passed, 3470 orders have been run, and she has drawn a successful end to her summer vacation. She is very moved, because it is not easy, and at the same time, she hopes that the child will continue to cheer on the road of life.

Mom is happy for her son. (Picture / flip from Miaowen video)

It is understood that men receive a total of 1,650 orders in 31 days a month, with an average of 53 orders per day. If they receive 5 orders in an hour, it will take at least 10 hours a day, which can be said to be very hard.

After the news was exposed, heated discussions were aroused, and netizens left messages one following another, “The child of other people’s family”, “This child will definitely have a future in the future, and the parents have raised it well!”, “The child is too sensible, there are too few children who can endure hardships like this now. “I have such a son, how proud my mother is!”, “This child is amazing”, “This kind of child is worthy of sacrifice for him, and what you give to him in the future can be assured that you will not be defeated.”



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