Jean Hilliard story of Jean Hilliard who survived from death

We hear the word medical miracle in stories of people coming back from near death. These are the conditions that are surprising even in front of the medical science. The story of Jean Hilliard, also known as the ‘Ice Woman’, is a similar medical miracle.

December 20, 1980. A 19-year-old American named Jean Hilliard was returning home by car at night following going out with friends. The snow and cold of December were all there that night. Jean drove fast through the ice-covered road. Although the weather was not ideal and there were some obstacles along the way, Jean continued his journey. Jean was already drunk that night because she was returning from a party.

Suddenly the car slipped on the ice on the road and fell into the ditch. In heavy snowfall it is very difficult for an oncoming person to see Jean or Jean’s car. Jean, who was not seriously injured in the fall, decided to get out of the car and walk. Behind a big hill on the way is Jean’s friend’s house. Jeanne continued walking with her goal in mind.

The temperature at that time was minus 30 degree Celsius. The cold became unbearable. Wind speed also increased. Jain felt his vision blurred due to severe manju fall. Although his body was tired, Jean was sure that once he got to his friend Nelson’s house, things would be a little easier and Nelson would help him. The whole road was covered with snow, and Jean was slipping and falling from time to time. Through the path seen in the dark blue light, Jean tried his best to bring the mind to the body.

By the time he got within 15 feet of Nelson’s house, Jean was completely exhausted. As soon as Veena falls, darkness begins to enter the eyes, and the vision ahead becomes more blurred. Gradually everything went dark. Jean was lying unconscious on the road. Because it was late at night and the snow was thick, no passengers had come that way. The snow fell over Jeanne’s body like a blanket. Jean lay in that condition for 6 hours.

And so a night passed. At a quick glance, no one would realize that there was a human being lying on the snow covered lawn. As it gradually became light and dark, Gene’s friend Nelson Manj, who was walking outside the house, saw something in form. Thinking that it might be some animal or something, when you go closer and look, you even realize that it is a human. The face and figure were still not clear, Nelson only thought of a man in the form of ice, and when he looked at the layer of snow on his face, he realized that it was Jean. He was immediately taken to the hospital.

Doctors confirmed that 99% of the brain’s function may have been destroyed following 6 hours of exposure to extreme cold. Jeanine’s face was gray then. Jean’s still eyes had no reaction to the light. But there was a slight heart rate of 12 beats per minute. Jean’s body had become so thick that she mightn’t even take an injection. It was like a frozen block of ice.

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She didn’t even have a body temperature that might be detected by a thermometer. The doctors wrapped her in an electric blanket and kept her warm. She regained consciousness following two hours when the doctors pronounced her dead. In 3 days she might move her legs. Within 6 weeks, Jean was completely healthy. A real-life example of the old movie cliché phenomenon of medical miracle!

Story Highlights: story of jean hilliard who survived from death



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