The back and neck of modern people are getting curved day by day. Frequent PC work and smartphone addiction are the causes. When the stress applied to the area accumulates, the muscles attached to the back and pelvis are left in a contracted state. Since the stiffened muscles become less flexible, the back and legs become stiff, causing back pain and numbness in the legs. In the long term, the hamstrings, thigh muscles, and groin muscles may shorten and even restrict movement in those areas.
When the movement of a specific part is restricted, other muscles take on the remaining role. Among them, the representative muscles are the back and pelvic muscles, which are responsible for most of the movement of the human body. If you move more than usual and stress is increased, the spine and the left and right pelvis can become misaligned and cause stenosis. This is why it is important to make muscle stretching a habit in your daily life. This is because stretching relieves tension while relaxing the contracted muscles.
If you feel numbness in your legs and buttocks and feel pain in your pelvis, we recommend stretching the piriformis muscle. It can be done in 5 minutes at home, and props can be used depending on the situation. It is effective in preventing various pains and diseases that appear in the pelvis and lower back if you proceed regularly.
full body stretch
1. Look at the ceiling and lie down with your knees up.
2. Put the other ankle on top of one knee.
1. Put both hands under the thighs and interlock them to fix them.
2. Slowly pull it toward your body and hold for 15 seconds.
The upper body should be fixed so that the upper body does not sway when the knee is pulled. Be careful not to lift the tailbone. Pulling forcibly can lead to knee injury, so pull only enough to avoid straining your hip joint. Adjust the strength by feeling the muscles of the hip on the side of the leg where the ankle is raised relax. If you want to feel strong stimulation, you can increase the holding time. Repeat on the other side for a total of 2 sets.
The purpose of stretching is to release tension in the body and relax the muscles. It is a wrong way to do it while enduring pain, so it is important to proceed enough to feel the appropriate stimulation. If it is difficult to hold a position or is accompanied by pain, it is okay to sit on a chair. Place your opposite ankle on top of one knee and slowly bend your body forward. If you want to feel a bigger stimulus, you can do it while increasing the holding time.
Props (gymball) stretching
1. Lie down with the ceiling facing you, and place your legs on the gym ball.
2. Put the other ankle on top of one knee.
1. Bend your knees and pull the ball toward your body.
2. Hold the pulled position for 15 seconds.
The overall process is similar to a bare body stretch. The difference is in the movement of pulling the knee with the help of a gym ball without using your hands. It is good to find your own standards by paying attention to the feeling of the muscles in your legs and buttocks being relaxed. Hold the pull position for 15 seconds and repeat for a total of 2 sets.
Stretching using a gym ball increases the burden of controlling the body compared to bare-body stretching using hands. If you forcefully pull or proceed quickly, you may injure yourself. It is recommended to proceed slowly while finding a suitable intensity that is not accompanied by pain.
Help = Seo Jeong-won, exercise expert (Healian Score Exercise Center Director)