Covid vs Spanish Flu, Emerging Infection, Deeply Dangerous

The above information is from Prof.Tom Wenseleers, Belgium.

About the average “incubation period” of COVID-19 Classified by species, Wu Y and colleagues from China conducted a systematic review of the research and meta-analysis. Published in the international medical journal JAMA Network Open yesterday, August 22, 2022, there are important points of interest as follows.

One…a strain of the COVID-19 virus has an average incubation period, meaning “the time from infection to onset of symptoms”…continuously shortened since the alpha species The onset of infection until symptoms took regarding 5 days. Beta strain took 4.5 days. Delta strain. (The epidemic last year) took 4.41 days.

And the latest omikron species … that has spread this year. time shortened to 3.42 days

This research indicates that The alpha and beta strains have the same incubation period as the original strain that started in Wuhan (regarding 5.2 days). The latter strains from the middle of last year, Delta and Omikron, had significantly shorter incubation periods.

Overall, the average incubation period for all strains studied was 6.65 days, with the shortest 1.8 days and the longest at 18.87 days.

However, if you try to classify according to the severity of the disease, you will find that Those infected with severe illness tended to have a shorter incubation period than those who were infected with less symptoms… while children (8.82 days) and the elderly (7.43 days) had longer incubation periods than average. of the total population

The benefit of this research is that we are able to determine the nature of the disease and to monitor for symptoms following a history of close contact with an infected person or following being at risk.

“COVID-19” is not a common cold or the flu. Not chill, just addicted and gone but can be severely ill and can die

Looking from the past to the present, comparing “Spanish Flu” and “Covid-19”

The “Spanish flu” is considered the most severe outbreak in the past. By infecting regarding 500 million people in the period from February 1918 to April 1920…regarding 2 years and 2 months.

While COVID-19… (It’s not the common cold and it’s not the flu) that goes beyond the flu. The latest statistics today have exceeded 600 million in 2 years and 9 months.

Let’s look at the period when “Covid-19” hit 500 million people, found that around April 9, 2022, if estimated time, it will be found that the first case in the world was found in November 2019, that is, it took regarding 2 years and 5 months to observe. that 500 million people have “COVID-19” as much as “flu”

But…don’t forget that the era is 100 years different. Advances in medicine, hygiene, technology and more are much greater than in the past. But the outcome in terms of infection was not much different. One reason that can be explained is Population Density and Social Environment Factors

such as risky lifestyles

However, the very different outcomes between the past and the present are number of deaths The Spanish flu era is estimated to cause around 17-50 million deaths, while the Covid-19 era is estimated at 500 million, with 6.2 million deaths as a result of drugs and drugs. vaccine including medical science and technology

An important point of concern is that COVID-19 does not stop at 500 million people, but the epidemic continues. as a result of viral mutations lifestyle and self-defense of the people including health injustices that occur…

and…causing access to essential services that are not universal, inadequate, or of poor quality, such as diagnosis, care, prevention and social support mechanisms.

with the current situation in Thailand Daily new infections are still very high. The number of deaths is also among the top in Asia. and is ranked 10-20 in the world continuously reflects that we realize Self-defense during everyday life is essential.

Academic circles around the world are concerned not only regarding infection, sickness, and death, but a long-term problem like “Long COVID” is the Pandora box…a secret box that doesn’t want the jackpot to happen. because there is not enough knowledge of precipitation And there is no specific treatment.

Vaccination reduces the risk of trying covid by regarding 15%, so the best way is Routine preventive lifestyle Wearing a mask correctly is key.

On August 5, 2022, Fischer A et al from Luxembourg. The study, published in the Open Forum Infectious Diseases medical journal, conducted a survey to assess “long-COVID” condition and its impact on quality of life at 12 months following infection.

It was found that Overall, nearly 60% of people experience at least one symptom. found to have a problem regarding one in three But those who are infected with moderate or severe illness are more likely to have problems.

Interestingly, sleep problems were reported to be 54.2% more common in patients with all symptoms. whether asymptomatic (38.6%), mild (54.1%), moderately symptomatic, or severe (63.8%), even
The samples studied may not be many. Rather, it is a reminder of the impact following being infected with COVID-19.

“Truth of life” no matter where in the world “Everyone’s life loves”…not telling you to go in a very risky way. But I don’t know the details of what knowledge regarding that subject is… “Balance” and “Sacrifice” are different in terms of disclosing detailed information. Accurate, transparent and verifiable knowledge not telling open as much as you want

And open when you want to open…every life is always valuable. Benefit…risk…justice…and respect for human dignity are four important aspects of any action that affects human life. Let the right knowledge be your light. making decisions regarding behavior

In order to have “well-being” and “safety” in daily life…please wear a mask correctly regularly.



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